Unwanted visitor?

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Sthembiso's POV

I watch her fall asleep peacefully in my arms. I don't know why but I'm enjoying watching her bury her head on the crook of my neck and holding on to my shirt as if she's to afraid to let go of me.

Once I feel like she has passed out and chances of her waking up soon are slim I go to my office. Imma admit that i was kind of scared when she fainted cause she could have easily hit her head at the corner of the counter and injured herself real bad.

I'm glad that it was just her stressing out about God knows what. When she asked the doctor if she's pregnant I almost joined her on the hospital bed. She scared me for a sec but I'm happy she's not. I don't see myself having kids with her cause that will be me handing myself over willingly to die.

I felt the guilt come back when she said that she will tell her family about us when we are married. I have these questions in my head that I know won't be answered. Does she see a future with me? Does she have malicious intentions of being with me? I manage to push these thoughts away when the thought of her family attacking mines comes in my head. I need to keep moving and leave this guilt.

I decided not to go to work tomorrow so I can make sure that everything is okay with her. I wouldn't want her to die under my watch and not because of me but natural causes. Even though that's going to happen but she needs a bit of torturing before she dies.

I send Langa a message to hack Siyanda's phone so i can keep tabs on her whereabouts until I'm ready to attack. I need to get her the day she is alone so that it will be quicker and much more easier. I wonder how she is right now and if she doesn't feel embarrassed by what happened in court. I mean she thought she would get away with it but here we are.

I need them to live a little longer and they need to die at separate times cause it could raise a bunch of unnecessary suspicion and drama that i definitely don't need in my life cause I already have a bunch of drama.

"You know you didn't have to take the day off because of me." says Amukelani. "I felt like i had to so I did it and either ways I don't have a lot of work and even if i did i would be able to work from home cause I'm the boss." I say. "I'm sure you enjoy calling yourself the boss and you will use whatever chance you got to remind everyone."

"I will vele cause it was not easy getting to the top. It probably was a lot faster because i was guy and you know that sexism issue and all that but it definitely wasn't easy." I say. "Tell me how you built this empire of yours." she says. "You want to know everything?" "Don't forget a single detail." "Okay then don't fall asleep on me." "I won't."

"Okay I graduated from high school which was nice cause I was glad i was out of that hellhole called school." I say. "A very tramuatic place I know." she says and we chuckle. "Yeah and i went to study abroad." "Really?" "Yeah I did." "Where did you study?" "Harvard." "I'm dealing with international people right now. Now it makes sense why I was attracted to you. I have a thing for international people." We laugh.

"Yeah i got a bursary there. I was and still am the smartest academically amongst us four. Please note the key word academically." I say and she laughs. "What did you study?" she asks. "I studied medicine. I wanted to become a neurologist." "So i wasn't wrong calling you Dr. Khoza," I hum in agreement. "What happened to that dream?"

"It died down very fast. By the time i was done i didn't want to continue so I took a business course and learned more about real estate and all that." I say. "I'm sure your parents must have been mad when you told them you changed your mind." she says. "They weren't necessarily that mad its just that my mom got angry at the fact that i spent 7 years away from her only to find out it was just a waste of time."

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