Innocent boyfriend?

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Amukelani's POV

I get to work and i go straight to my office. Tintswalo brings my iced cappuccino and i thank her. "Have you heard the news?" she asks. "What news?" I ask. "Kananelo and Nthabiseng got kidnapped and were brutally beaten up but now they in the hospital recovering from their injuries." I gasp.

Gotta keep up with pretence if i don't want to be suspected. "When did this happen?" I ask in a curious tone. "It started on Saturday when they went out and then Kananelo collapsed then they were kidnapped from the hospital." she answers. "Are they okay though?" "Yeah they still alive even though they did a number on them."

"Was it that bad?" I ask. "Yeah it was but let's thank God that they still alive." she answers. "Yeah we should hey." We should actually thank Manqoba for not taking things to far by killing the both of them. "Who do you think would have done this?" "I honestly don't know. I doubt they have any enemies cause they are law abiding citizens after all."

"I hope the person that did this gets punished cause that's not okay." she mumbles but i heard her. "Don't worry I'm sure they remember a thing or two that could help with their case." I say. "I hope so." "Yeah neh life is one weird joke." "It sure is." "Anyways enough about them let's talk about my meetings for today."

"Oh yeah. You have a meeting with a new client at 11:00. That person is under investigation so he is not willing to talk unless the lawyer is present during interrogation. You have another meeting with Kuhle at 12:30 so you can check out the internships of the learners that want to come here." she says. "Did you put your file in there?" I ask. "Yes I did." "Okay that's good."

"Who is the person that is being investigated?" I ask. "His name is Bophela Gumbi. His being accused of murdering his wife." she answers. "Okay then." "Call me when you need anything." I nod and she leaves.


I get to the police station and ask to see the investigators that are investigating the case. They take me to the lieutenant's office and i go inside and we greet each other. "Unjani Ma Mngomezulu." he asks. (How are you?) "Ngiyaphila wena." I answer. (I'm good and you.)

"Nami ngiyaphila. Igama lami u Lieutenant Shongwe," he answers and i nod. (I'm good too. My name is Lieutenant Shongwe.) "We can go to the interrogation room we have been waiting for you." "I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long." I say. "No you didn't."

We stand up and I follow him to the interrogation room. We get there and i find an officer interrogating my client and the moment he sees us he shuts up. I wonder what questions he was asking him. "Sanibonani." I greet. (Hello.) "Yebo." I sit next to my client and i put on my glasses.

"This interrogation is happening on the 18th of October 2022. The time is 11:35. I'm here with Detective Makhubu and the accused Bophela Gumbi and his lawyer Amukelani Mngomezulu."  says lieutenant Shongwe. "Are we ready?" We nod.

"Where were you on the day of your wife's murder?" asks the detective. He looks at me. "Can I answer that?" he asks and i nod. "I was at Mpumalanga visiting my cousin." "When did you find out that your wife has been murdered?" "I found out a day later when i returned from the trip."

"How was your marriage between you and your wife?" asks the detective. He looks at me again and i nod my head in approval. "It was a good one. Of course it had its ups and downs  but i loved her and i still do love her." he answers. "Do you have any motive to kill your wife?" "No i don't! I love her she is my wife I wouldn't want to harm her!"

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