Assassin Love?

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Amukelani's POV
1 week later.

My life has been miserable since everything happened. I guess you could say I'm living one of those lives in the movies where the girl is dealing with the break up by drinking. The only difference between me and the movies is that my leg isn't operating properly and that i still clean and bath.

I get up and my head is pounding like crazy. Once I've finally gotten over my break up I'm taking a break from alcohol cause look what its doing to me. I get up and walk to the bathroom which was a struggle because of my lack of balance. I vomit until I feel like everything is out.

I do my business and brush my teeth then go downstairs to make myself breakfast. I don't know what I'm going to make cause there is hardly any groceries here. I can't believe Christmas is almost here and I'm lonely and foodless like couldn't it get more romantic then that.

Since there is hardly any food i decide to make soft porridge. I miss eating my grandmother's soft porridge. I know there is nothing special about it except the fact that you'll be hungry in two hours time but then her soft porridge will make you eat the whole pot. I need to go visit her for the Christmas season and try to forget about this male species that fucked up my life.

I haven't been coping since everything happened. I'm blocking out my emotions with alcohol which isn't a good thing but right now i don't know the difference between good and bad. I've been feeling nauseous and all this past week but I think it's the alcohol. I add some sugar and milk and peanut butter to my porridge and eat it.

I go sit in the living room and watch some tv. I haven't been to work cause you know why and either ways the doctor said I need some rest because my blood pressure is high but I'm sure that it's higher than high right now. After eating i wash the dishes and go take a shower. I put on some leggings with a crop top and i go back downstairs. I don't feel like doing anything besides watching some good shows and drinking more alcohol.


As i was about to take a nap I hear a knock on the door. Did I tell anyone where I stay? The only person I can think of that knows where I stay is you know who. But it can't be him that's here. I don't think I'll be able to face him and have that talk or whatever thing we need to do in order for us to get over each other.

I stand up and go open the door and i didn't expect to see him here. "Are you stalking me or did I tell you where I stay?" I ask. "I think I'm stalking you cause I don't remember being invited to your place." answers  Kuhle. "And why are you stalking me?" "You haven't been to work in like a week and i had to make sure you okay." "I'm on leave so I'm okay."

"Can I come in." he says. "Sure make yourself feel at home with no groceries." I say. I make space for him to enter and we walk to the living room. We sit down and i wait for him to say something. "Are you okay?" he asks. "No i almost died." I answer. "And what would have been your cause of death." "Heartbreak mixed with a bullet wound."

"Damn. You guys broke up." he says. "Yeah. You can start rejoicing right now cause you've always wanted that to happen." I say. "Yeah I know I had my reservations about him but I could see he made you happy." "And you only notice this now." "I've always noticed it I was just too jealous to admit it." "Okay."

"What happened between you two?" he asks. "It's pretty much hectic and its confidential." I answer. "And you not coping?" "As you can see I'm coping cause I got this empty bottle of whiskey and I'm preparing to drink wine straight from the bottle." He chuckles. "You definitely not coping. When are you coming back to work?"

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