Boy Kisses

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A/N : Trigger Warning. Physical and verbal abuse.

Billy Hargrove was sitting on a pavement bleeding from several wounds on his body. Charlie walked towards him, carefully as if approaching a feral animal. He knelt in front of him and tried to speak.

No words came out of his mouth. He wanted to ask what happened, who did this...but he knew how uncomfortable questions were. So instead he said,

"Come with me."

It wasn't a question or a suggestion. He took Billy's hand and took him home. By the time he was back, the cabin was dead silent. Hopper probably thought Charlie was still mad at him and stayed over at the Wheelers.
He snuck Billy in through the back-door.

"Sit down, let me get the first aid kit." Charlie instructed in a hushed voice.

He came back from the bathroom to find Billy sitting on the edge of his bed. He was still. He was staring at his own palms. Charlie knelt beside him and opened the first aid kit.

"I'm going to clean these...and it's going to sting a little."

Billy nodded but he didn't look at Charlie. He hadn't looked at Charlie even when they were in the jeep together.

Billy hissed when the cotton came in contact with the cut on his forehead. He grabbed Charlie's wrist harshly. A little bit more pressure and it would break. Charlie clenched his jaw but didn't react. He leaned in and brushes his lips to Billy's cheek and whispered in his ear

"I'm sorry, I know it hurts...just bear with me. I'm sorry."

Charlie peppered few kisses on his cheek and temple. Billy loosened his grip. Charlie carefully removed his hand and worked on the cuts. Billy gritted his teeth and endured.

"And it's done." Charlie getting up. "Lie down and get some sleep, will you? I'm gonna clean this up real quick."

Billy caught Charlie's hand and muttered without even looking up.


That's it. That's all he said to Charlie since their fight earlier.

"Will you lie down if I lie down with you?".

Billy didn't reply.

"Fine. Come on."

Charlie took off his t shirt and got into bed to bed with a shirtless Billy. Skin touching skin. Billy lied on his back and Charlie on his side to look at him.

"If you want to talk, I'm here. And if you don't want to talk.... I'm still here."
Charlie whispered in a soft voice. He closed his eyes not waiting for a response. Sleep started to overtake him...and he could very well be dreaming, but he felt Billy pull him closer.

Charlie woke up with a start, in cold sweat. He wasn't sure what haunted his dreams then. Only that it was terrible and he didn't want to go to sleep again. Billy was sleeping soundly next to him...well of course until he literally jumped up from his chest.

"What happened?" Billy asked sleepily looking around.

"No-nothing. Just... Just go back to sleep."
Charlie ran a hand through his face and hair. The black locks sticked to the beeds of sweat on his forehead. Billy sat up with a sigh.

"Bad dream?" he asked. Charlie nodded.

Charlie leaned against the head board and Billy micmicked it. The blondes eyes trailed down with a sweat droplet that slid down the Hopper's neck to chest. The taller boy caught him staring and smirked.

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