Come Back

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It's been five hours.

Five hours since Charlie Hopper was brought into the hospital. Dustin and Mike had managed to call for help with radio. Hopper arrived an hour later. Max, despite her, resistance was taken home by her mom. El sat next to Steve while Hopper paced back and forth. Steve wiped a fallen tear and looked at El, who was also crying.

“Hey, he's gonna be fine, yeah?”  he told her. El nodded.

“What's taking them so long, it's been hours!” Hopper muttered angrily.

He turned around and saw Joyce walking towards them. She had a worried look on her face.

“Is he okay? What did the doctors say?”
She asked Hopper and glanced at Steve for only a second.

“Nothing, they're not telling us anything.” Hopper took sat opposite El and Steve. El stood up and sat near him, leaning her head on his arm.

“How's Will?” Hopper asked.

“Will's fine. He's sleeping.”

Joyce looked in through the gaoss door of the intentive care unit, where Charlie Hopper lay still between a hundred different devices.
Steve exhaled deeply and leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes. Memories of the night coming back to him.

Charlie fell to the floor, breathing heavily, his hand clutching his chest Steve and Max where the first to arrive at his side. Black veins had started to appear on his skin and Steve was panicking.

“Lee? Hey, look at me.” He cupped Charlie's face. The Hopper's eyes met his.

“It's okay we are getting help. Just awake for me.” He looked at kids and yelled.

“Henderson, Wheeler call for help.”

His own breathing was ragged. Blood trailed from Charlie's ears and Steve panicked further.

“Oh My God. Stay with me, baby. Please. Help's coming.”

“It's okay, Charlie. You're going to be fine.” Max said, hiding her fear. She held Charlie's hand in both of hers.

The headlight of Billy's car dimmed and went out. And Charlie's eyes closed. The black veins had disappeared.

“Lee? Look at me?” Steve tried but no avail.

“Charlie?” Max called gripped his had tighter.

“Lee, come on. Please wake up.”

Another hour later the doctors finally had an update on Charlie's condition which wasn't very reassuring. He was in an unresponsive state and no one knew why. His heart had actually stopped when he arrived at the hospital and even now it wasn't stable. They didn't know when he'd wake or if he'd wake up at all.

Steve Harrington, after receiving the news from Hopper, excused himself to the restroom. So he could finally let out the tears he was holding in. Hours ago, Charlie was there, he was fine. They were going to save everyone and finally be together. Not he might never be able to hold him again. Never hear Charlie call his name. Never get to hold hands or steal kisses.

When Steve got back Nancy and the party were there. Mike hugged El and Nancy was talking to Hopper. She saw Steve and immediately came to hug him.

“Are you okay?” She asked and he nodded.

“He's going to wake up, alright? We won't give up on him.” Nancy spoke as they pulled away. Steve took a deep breath and nodded more firmly.

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