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Steve was pacing, wringing his fingers together. He seemed to tremble every now and then. Dustin and Robin were sitting next to each other and watching him.

“Maybe you should sit down-” Steve immediately cut Robin off.

“I can't sit down, okay? What's taking them so long.” He glanced back at hospital room, where the doctor was examining Charlie.

Steve, with Dustin and Robin's help, ahd brought Charlie to the hospital in his car. He never in his life had driven so fast, especially in such a weather. Charlie was ice cold and limp when they brought him in. He was immediately taken to the emergency room and the other three were shut out of there.

Minutes later, the doctor came out. She was a plasant looking lady.

“You're with Charlie hopper?”

“Yes. How's he?” Steve asked with badly hidden concern.

“He hasn't regained consciousness yet but he should wake by morning. He isn't in any immediate danger.”

Steve exhaled deeply. Robin and Dustin seemed to relax too. The doctor asked if the sheriff was informed. Steve had tried he couldn't reach Hopper. Then the doctor asked to speak with Steve alone. Robin and Dustin went to stay by Charlie's side.

Charlie had been moved to a private room. He wasn't in his wet clothes anymore. He was wearing the hospital gown and a blanket was drawn to his stomach. An IV drip and stand was enxt to the bed. He seemed fast asleep. His chest heaved slightly with each breath.

Robin walked towards the small cushion couch against the wall and sat down. Dustin stood rooted to his spot, watching Charlie with a mix of worry and sadness.

“You're really close, aren't you? You, Steve and Charlie?” Robin asked, weakly smiling.

“Yeah, yeah we are.” Dustin responded sighing. He walked over and sat next to Robin.

“They helped me through a hard time, last year. And Charlie used to babysit me when I was little.” Dustin smiled wistfully.

“He's a genuinely good person, you know? And he has been through a lot but he still can't seem to catch a break.”

Robin looked back at the sleeping boy. Charlie Hopper had quiet the reputation in school. He was an outcast just like her, not popular, or a jock, or a nerd. But he wasn't a troublemaker either. He was just there. He preferred his own company, he was the loner type. She really wanted to talk to him but he scared her. He was always moody or angry. And she never expected to see him any different any time soon. But when she saw him at starcourt for the first time, he was different.

Robin remembered the first time she heard him laugh. It was a velvety, almost music like sound. It was at something stupid Steve said but it was a genuine laugh. It felt unreal to see him like that, especially with Steve Harrington. They hated each other for all of high-school. Steve even gave him his infamous nickname. But Robin could see, what they have was real. Both of them had changed. And she actually liked having them around.

“Did he ever faint like this before?” Robin asked. Before Dustin could say anything, they heard the door open and Steve walked in. He looked distressed. He froze for a few seconds, just staring at Charlie's pale face with so much pain that Dustin started to panic a little.

“What did the doctor say?”
Steve didn't answer Dustin first, he just walked over to Charlie's bed and cradled his face.

He didn't care that Robin was there. It didn't matter. Dustin and Robin silently watched as Steve repeatedly kissed Charlie's forehead, temple and cheeks. He mumbkel something incoherent in Charlie's ear and kissed him again. He pulled up a chair sat next to the bed.

Unhinged | S. Harrington| B. Hargrove | Stranger Things  Where stories live. Discover now