Chapter 24

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He was losing his damn mind, David scoffed, running his fingers through his hair as he wrestled with the need to hurry after Eloise's retreating form. First, he had made a silly excuse to escape a meeting with Jon and the tenants, then he had hurried home, and like a madman, had sought after Eloise until he found her in the music room. He had stood unnoticed by the doorway for several minutes, spellbound, as he watched her play the pianoforte.

She was bewitching. She had cast a spell on him, and he was uncertain how to break free. He knew he needed to stay away from her for the sake of his sanity. Still, they met in the garden again that evening, and as his lips merged with hers, he concluded he couldn't stay away. How was he to keep away from a woman he ached physically to be around, a woman who haunted his every thought?

"You appear troubled," Eloise said, leaning into him as she placed her head on his shoulder. Instinctively, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, sharing in the soothing warmth of her body.

"I was only distracted by my thoughts."

She raised her head then; her gaze holding him captive under the moonlight. "I often wonder what's on your mind. I desire to be let into your thoughts."

You are my thoughts, Eloise. He cleared his throat. "My mother's death has left Jon and I with plenty to do," he said, unwilling to admit to thinking about Eloise. "The estate is vast. We're often forced to sit for hours in boring meetings with our parents' solicitors, lawyers, and business associates. Today, we met with a few tenants."

"I cannot pretend to share in your grief over the loss of your mother, but I'm truly aware of how devastating it is to lose the ones you love."

He nodded. "That is why I'm reluctant to visit her grave. I know I must pay my respects, but I'm afraid of the finality of a farewell."

"Would it ease your devastation to have me come along with you?"

He raised a brow, surprised by her offer. "You would come with me?"

A small smile claimed her lips, and his heart did a little flip at the sight. "Indeed, if it pleases you."

It would, he decided. It would please him greatly to have her by his side, supporting him through the torture of saying goodbye to his mother, and the pain he was certain he would need to relive once he was face to face with Adeline's grave again. Until now, he hadn't realized how afraid he was of going to the graveyard. Somehow, knowing Eloise would be by his side made it less scary.

Leaning forward, he rested his forehead on hers. "It shall please me greatly."

"When should I prepare myself for the trip?"

"Perhaps tomorrow at noontime." He held her gaze as he spoke, stroking her cheek with his fingers.

"Very well. I shall be ready at noon."


"May I suggest something else?"

"Whatever you'd like, Eloise."

"I will like to bring Adam along with us. I'm certain he would like another chance to say goodbye to his grandmother."

"Oh." He thought about her request for several seconds, unwilling to concede to it. He was already nervous about visiting the graveyard. The last thing he needed was the anxiety that came with being around Adam. Even today, while he sat teaching Adam to play the piano, he had sensed Adam's unease. The child obviously wanted nothing to do with David, and he didn't shy away from being vocal about it.

"It would make him happy," Eloise urged. "As would having you teach him to play the pianoforte."

David winced. "Me?!"

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