Chapter 33

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James Hunter. Find him.

It was all David managed to write before giving into his rage and hurling the jar of ink into the hearth. He cursed, running his sweaty palms through his hair for the umpteenth time that morning, since Mr. Miles's exit. Learning of Mr. Miles's romantic interest in Eloise was one thing, but learning of the threat James posed to her safety was another. David was so enraged, he trembled with the need to find James and put a bullet in him. Which was why he was sending his solicitor after James, because he feared if he went himself, he would commit yet another murder, only this time, he would derive pleasure from the act. But he knew James's death would displease Eloise, and while the bastard deserved it, David could not stand the thought of displeasing Eloise because he loved her dearly...

Perhaps too dearly. The fading months were powerless against his love for her. She permeated every inch of his mind, haunting not only his dreams, but constituting every second of his day. He had moved from fighting the thoughts of her to savoring them. He relived every second of their time together, kissing her repeatedly in his mind, refusing to forget what she tasted like, how she smelled—Unwilling to forget the way the mere grazing of her fingers set his heart racing. He imagined her in bed with him every evening, the soft curve of her body pressed to fit perfectly in his like it had done that night in the mausoleum. And when he finally fell asleep at the crack of dawn, he was truly with her in his dreams, seated there in his mother's garden, the stars and moon affirming their love.

Did Eloise love him still, or had she moved on to Mr. Miles? It angered him to know Mr. Miles sought to pursue a romantic relationship with Eloise, but it scared him to think Eloise might return Mr. Miles's affection. He was afraid of losing her, even if he knew he could never truly have her.

Seeing the selfishness of his thought, he heaved a loud breath and sank into his seat. What use was there in holding on to a woman he was barred from loving—in depriving her of the love of a good man? Mr. Miles would be good to her; David had known and worked with him for over ten years, long enough to know he was a good man. He would love and treat Eloise like she deserved to be treated, and unlike David, he didn't have blood on his hands.

Three days passed after Mr. Miles's visit. David spent the time fighting to convince his heart to let go of Eloise, to release her, to relent in tormenting him with visions of her. But the longer he stood fighting, the more it proved to be a futile battle. He could never let go of Eloise, not only because he was unwilling to do so but also because he was unable to. She was a part of him—she was all of him. Every beat of his heart echoed her name, every muscle in his body ached to be near her. He ached so much that on the fourth day, he was certain he would not survive the night without her. He needed to see her, if only for a fleeting second, if only from afar, if only for the last time, before he lost her completely—before she was swept off of her feet by another man and conceded to being his bride.


"Do you mind if I hold your hand while we walk?" Mr. Miles asked. Eloise stood, confused, uncertain how she must respond without causing offense, like she had done the day Mr. Miles proposed marriage to her. She had been so shocked by his proposal, along with James's unsolicited visit, that she had failed to give Mr. Miles a suitable answer. Likely offended by her response—or lack of—Mr. Miles disappeared from her life for twelve days.

Twelve days. She knew because she had been counting. She had been counting because she missed him. Not once did it occur to her just how much Mr. Miles had become a part of her life until he was no longer present; until his presence no longer helped to rid her of the depressing loneliness, and the sound of his voice no longer distracted her mind from wandering to David. Then last evening, she received an unusual note from him inviting her to spend the day with him in Hyde Park.

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