Chapter 36

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(A/N> I used 'reprogrammed' instead of programmed on purpose. its not a mistake <3 just pointing it out heheh~)

[System #0091, why did you reboot?]

A male, almost human voice echoed through the empty nothingness. Something about the voice made it seem as if a robot was speaking. It was a deep, cold voice; a voice that would send shivers down one's spine. Systems, however, don't feel emotions. They aren't reprogrammed to do so, after all. They are, however, reprogrammed to be respectful and loyal. And so the bold (?) system reported.

[Apologies, sir. I do not understand why I rebooted.]

This voice was more robotic, and sounded like a female in her 40's. Except less human and almost immortal. Almost.

There was silence for some time. Then the male, who seemed to be a superior towards System #0091, asked, [Are there any abnormalities in the world you are currently in progress with?]

The system was silent for a moment.

[Yes. However, the Superior System #0000 must know?]

[No. I do not. What led you to this assumption?]

Systems did not feel emotions, however, for the first time in #0091's It felt something close to what humans called...nervousness?

Superior system seemed to sense this, but did not say anything.

[...there seems to be a human that does not belong. The main task my host was given is to manipulate that being. Since this was a new world, I did not find it too strange, though manipulation is not a common main task. The target, for some reason, is not originally of this world. It also does not have a system. It seems to have no constraints. I assumed Superior System knew because tasks are given out by sir.]

For the first time in 1050 years, the one called 'Superior System' was unable to process the situation right away.


"Now, to answer your question, nothing much. Just some fun~"


She wasn't a normal being in this world.

Her appearance...she was able to manipulate it? How? Magic? What kind? Or perhaps some kind of technology powered by magic? In the novel, magic could only be used raw for creating mass...spaces, statues, attack moves, etc. It could only create. There wasn't a way it? It was like energy. I think the original protagonist found a way to use it in the way this "Mara" was using, but the author never described it in much detail since there was some kind of backlash, extremely limiting the use.

I looked at Mara for a solid ten seconds before I made a decision.

I brought my thumb and forefinger together, and—


Mara's eyes widened in disbelief as our surroundings melted and a dark void surrounded it. Hade was gone from my back, safe but alone in another space, away from the drama that was probably going to unfold.

"Keep going," I commanded, deadpan.

Her expression changed from that of disbelief to a forced grin.

"I have to admit, you're quite the character. I didn't think you could do this~"

I smirked, "This? This is nothing."

In reality, it really wasn't anything special. I was something thought of one day as I was out on a stroll, admiring the scenery around me.

If only this scenery would never fade away.

That's when I thought, what if I create another space? Perhaps rearranging molecules through magic? Or...perhaps making an illusion?

I wasn't sure if it would work but when I had time, I experimented with the idea until I found something.

I had created a whole other space with multiple separations in it. Basically, it was like a large house with a large amount of rooms in it.

Since then I have used it as a sort of storage. I never thought I would be using it on myself and someone for the purpose of interrogation. The little pocket of space back at the now damaged palace where Asmodeus and Asher were hopefully staying out was something else—like an extension of some sort? The space that we were currently in was possibly dangerous. There was a possibility that oxygen from the real world would stop coming in, or there could even be a molecule in the air which contained toxins. That's why I didn't use it as a hideout, only for storage.

"Let's finish this quickly, shall we? My girlfriend is probably a tad bit worried about me," Mara motioned around her, "Ask away, seems you've got me all tied up."

I sighed.

Goddammit what a pain.

This was a last resort.

I needed to know her purpose.

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