Chapter 14: Felix

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When I woke up I had to lift his arm off me to get up out of bed. When I walked down the stairs I found my bag at the bottom with a note that said: You left your phone unlocked thought you might be here a while I called your assistant, she dropped this off. Liza was the one that came to talk to me when I was younger when she knew I was having problems. I always wondered why she was friendly but I guess knowing now that I know that she knew about me and her brother, I guess that kind of explains itself. I didn't have any contacts and my eyes were dry so I clean out my eyes and put on glasses.

I found his office and am sitting in his chair since the desk was completely empty and there seems to be no dining table of any kind. The house is kind of bare, but I am making the desk work and am making sure to not touch his things. I think back to when I first talked to him. When I walked into the library to find Dominick quarterback of the football team waiting for me I nearly shit my pants, but when his eyes met mine there was sort of a magnetic pull. I found myself walking to him and introducing myself feeling very at ease which was something that was out of character for me with the other players that almost scared the shit out of me so bad I couldn't speak.

He started inviting me over to his house saying that he didn't want to be seen as a dork and he didn't want his friends to know he needed more help than him with the classes. He told me his parents were never home because they took far off jobs, their aunt dropped by to check on them and then I was having dreams about him. Dreams I didn't think I would have about a boy, especially one like him, but a rumor spread around the school about how he was caught with a boy I decided to act on it. It started with him me catching him staring at me, then he would find excuses to touch me, whether it be by joke or fixing my hair, he was so flirty, and then I just asked.

"Making yourself at home?" I hear his voice and I jump seeing him in a pair of grey sweatpants near the door.

"Sorry I needed to check on some things." He starts shaking his head.

"No, you're fine you don't even have to ask." He waves me off sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk. "I slept through the day." He runs his fingers through his hair, and I smile at his sleepy eyes.

"I woke up a while ago. I've been in here getting work done." I inform him and he nods. I remember when we pulled up seeing the truck in his driveway and I close my laptop. "Dom." I inquire.

"Hmm?" He looks up at me and I smirk.

"The truck." I speak and he shrugs leaning back in the chair.

"What about it?" He asks and I shrug.

"Nothing I guess." Preparing to wave it off if he was and after a moment his eyes widen and he smirks.

"The truck." He blurts. "The one that I fucked you in multiple times?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah. Why did you keep it?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Why do you think I kept it?" He asks and I shrug.

"Easy to fix, cheap to fix, never needed to replace it?" I suggest and he shakes his head.

"Actually, that thing is a bitch to fix, parts are not cheap, and I could have replaced it, hell I could replace now if I wanted." He responds to each answer.

"Why keep it then?" I ask.

"It was the only piece I had left of you." He says hesitant to meet my eyes.

"Dom." I start and he shakes his head.

"Felix, I never took anyone out in that truck." He shakes his head. "You were the only person I had in that truck." He tells me. When he tells me that I feel something click into place, when I lock eyes with him his eyes are so full of awe, so full of unsaid things that I could probably read into a million times.

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