Chapter 20: Felix

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"I knew a long time ago dear." She says sitting beside me at the table.

"How did you find out about the posters?" I ask and she smiled.

"When I was in your room getting laundry one of your posters looked funny it was bend off the wall a bit, like the bottom wasn't tacked." She starts. "I walked over and lifted the top one up and there was a football player on that one with his shirt off facing away from the camera." She answers and I cringe knowing which one that was.

"I didn't have enough tacks for the poster." I tell her and she smiles.

"I checked the rest of them and they were the same." She shrugs, fixing a plate. Then I hear footsteps and turn seeing Dom and my father walking back in sitting in their chairs. "I have to say he looks handsome." She blurts.

"Mom!" I scold and she smiles. I look over at Dom who looks like he is holding in a laugh and my father who is already laughing.

"What? I have permission to look, it's not as though I am looking for myself for real." She shakes her head. "No offense, William." She puts a napkin on her lap not giving a care.

"I don't take offense, dear." He finishes looking over at Dom before my mother. "That gave me a good laugh, that made my fucking day." he blurts.

"Dad." I start and he arches a brow.

"What?" He questions and Dom starts laughing.

We eat dinner and have great conversations and laughs; they ask more about what I've been doing. They are surprised to know I have been living with Dom they ask about the wedding and my mother can't wait to start planning it. They hug Dom as we leave and we hold hands as we walk down the stairs, I promise to call more. I take off feeling glad they actually accepted me and Dom into the family the way we are.

"That went well." Dom says as I stop the car in the driveway.

"It did." I agree. "I didn't know my dad had followed us." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"Not mad about that." He mutters then he looks at me lips before looking back at me. "Just brought back some memories." He whispers, and I feel breathless the way he starts talking about it.

"It did for me too." I look down at his lips as he licks them.

"My truck has more room." he points out before he shrugs. He leans forward and I let him give me a rough kiss, he pulls away licking his lips.

"We really doing this?" I ask and he smirks.

"I want to." He whispers.

"Me too." we both turn getting out at the same time and he sits in the driver seat of the truck me in the passenger seat. There's no console beside us, and I go to him and he puts a hand in my hair as we start making out. My hands drift to his waist and I unbuckle his belt as he groans, he tastes like red wine as I revel in it.

"You had that poster back when we were..." He pulls away roughly making me breathless as I gasp catching my breath.

"Yes." I answer and he smirks.

"Why was the picture just of his back?" He asks and I remember exactly why, I shake my head.

"No reason, I just like the look of the picture." I answer and he shakes his head.

"It was across from the foot of your bed baby." His hands go to my waist before he pulls up my tshirt. I lift my arms letting him and he takes off his. He puts a hand on my chest and urges me to lay down as he starts kissing my lower stomach.

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