13: 'The birthday bash part 1...'

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After the devastating news of what could potentially happen, the last thing I wanted to do was throw a party. Especially, when I haven't really told anyone what the doctor said. Mostly because I didn't want to cause anyone any worry. Everyone had their own things to deal with and I didn't want anyone to feel overwhelmed if I had my own problems to the mix.

My eyes widen as my bedroom door opens, Autumn greets me with a bright grin holding a pink gift bag in her hands.

'Happy birthday Scar!' She greets, her voice was full of happiness and that truly made me feel warm inside.

I match her grin before tackling her into a tight hug, 'Thanks Autie!'

'This is for you.'

I gingerly take the bag of her, tears prickle the corner of my eyes as I rummage through the tissue paper to find the most beautiful necklace, I've ever laid my eyes on, it had a thin gold chain with three gemstones attached it: a red one, a green one and a blue one.

'S-So basically each gemstone represents the birth month of you, your mom and the baby. I-I thought it would be nice to have all three of them together.'

A strangled sob escapes my lips as I clutch the necklace tight to my best, 'I-I think this may be the best gift anyone has ever gotten me.'

She gives me a warm smile, 'I'm glad you like it.'

'I don't like it, I adore it! No one has ever been this thoughtful before.'

'Well, you're my best friend so, it would be wrong not too.'

My heart aches with content, 'I love you, Autie.'

'Love you too, Scar.'

I wipe my cheeks before clapping my hands together, 'Enough of the emotions, we've got a party to look hot for!'

She laughs softly, 'I'm still terrified to see the outfit that you picked out for me.'

I roll my eyes, 'Don't be so dramatic.'


I grin wildly as I look at Autumn's finished attire, she looked so incredibly pretty it almost made my eyes hurt. Her copper hair had corkscrew curls throughout with a black bow headband sitting on the top of her head. She was wearing a long sleeved, cropped neon pink sweatshirt with high-waisted bright blue disco leggings, on-top of them sat yellow leg warmers. 

'You look so amazing!' I gush.

She frowns slightly as she looks in the mirror, 'I'm very bright.'

'Well, I happen to think you suit it.'

She gives me a small smile, 'Thank you. Come on, birthday girl. You still need to get ready.'

I nod to myself as I attempt to tackle the make-up section of my costume. After nearly half an hour of trying to get the right shade of eyeshadow, I was done. I pull my candyfloss-coloured hair into two plaits with pink fluffy scrunchies before I stand up and grab my outfit. I put on my white shirt before I tie the end part of it. I slide on my plaid grey skirt before grabbing my grey knee-high socks and pulling them over my legs. 

I purse my lips in the mirror as I take in my appearance, a look of frustration settles into my features when I notice how tight the skirt looks. 

'I look awful!' I cry out before I hastily grab the cardigan sitting on my chair and wrapping it around my body.

'You look hot!'

'No, I don't. I look bloated.'

'Scar, there is literally no bloat. Plus, even if there was, you'd still look incredible.'

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