Chapter 1: A annoying kidnapper

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Italic and underline means that you're talking in your mind

Italic and Bold means sound effects


(Second Person)

Robin and you surviving was good, and you were on the run already for 4 years, however, gaining a bounty this young? 79 million berries for each of you. Now, roaming around the streets when everyone knows who you are isn't good. Finding someone who could take you in was hard. Nearly impossible.

"Robin. I think.. I think we should split up." You were hesitant at first, but you finally had the courage to bring up the topic to her.

"Actually, I was thinking the same thing a while ago. It's too dangerous for us to be together, however it'll be harder to survive if we split up. Especially for you. You're younger than me." Robin also looked nervous because you were 2 years younger than her but you both knew it was the right choice. At this time, Robin was 10 and you were 8.

You sighed, this decision was a really complicated one, but you guys knew what had to be done. Saying your goodbyes you split apart, wishing each other luck.

Now you're all alone again.

Jeez, you know how to survived on your own, but you didn't think it would be this hard. You've been found by marines 4 times already, on one island.

Finding food was easy, just steal.

You've been island hopping by sneaking yourself into delivery ships, or even navy ships.

You ended up at a island that looked empty.


But how did you find yourself to be in this predicament?

Red Haired Shanks talking to you like it's a normal thing. However- he isn't known around the world yet. And- he looks younger. Like really young. Maybe around 15-16? He doesn't even has his scar!

Yeah... that's not normal. At all.

What else is not normal? You finding a Devil fruit.

You found it on the island where you and Robin split.

Of course, you wanted to keep the ability to swim, so you kept it in your bag. It could sell for a good price. But you weren't sure if you wanted to sell it or not.

But now, you have a feeling that this pirate crew your currently with, will steal the fruit. So, you had a dumb moment and decided to eat it. Without them knowing of course.

Ah, dammit, I have no clue how to use this fruit and can't swim anymore.

Will my day get any worse?

Now you may be wondering, how did you find the Red Haired Pirates? Sorry- correction, they found you.

You were walking around the island you were on. No clue where you were going, and no clue what island this was. All you knew was that this island was extremely cold. You felt like you could freeze to death.

Yes, you had a coat on, but still, you could see your own breath. Now your just wandering around with no clue where your going.

You had a good amount of food though, stored inside your bag. The Devil fruit you found was hidden at the bottom. You also had your books in there, always reading them when you had the time.

And now was the time. You found a little cave that you could fit right in, and pulled your book out. It was an interesting book really, and you're lucky you even got this book. The government would probably do anything they could to get a hold of this book.

Reading Poneglyph's

Yeah, this was a very important book. You wanted to learn to read them since Robin knew how to. She taught you a few words, and you were very interested in learning the 'ancient language'.

The other books you had were information about the world. Your second book was:

Devil Fruits,

which contained the information about all the Devil fruits. This would also come in handy. You were grateful that you borrowed these books from the library before the Buster Call.

Your third book was:

The Grand Line,

which, of course had the information of the grand line. However, sadly, there were some pages ripped out. Which is bad, because that means missing information that you'll probably never be able to find out.

Now, your fourth book was interesting, but you decided to save it for later:

The New World

it read. You don't want to know that information yet, not until your done reading about the Grand Line.

While you were reading the book about Devil Fruits, you were searching for the Devil fruit you had. You didn't notice the person who seemed to be walking towards you.

"Hey, what's a little girl like you doing here all by yourself?"

You jolted off your butt and stared at the man.

Ah. There he is. Of course, out of all times you run into him.

Red Haired Shanks.

"That's a pretty interesting book your reading, where'd you get it from?"

"Somewhere. Now stop bothering me."

You hoped he would leave you alone, but no.

You've officially been kidnapped without you knowing.

One moment in the cave, the next you were on a ship.

And that's how you got here, talking with Red Haired Shanks. Actually- more like him talking with you. Why would you talk with your kidnapper? At the corner of your eye you could see his crew mates.

"Shanks leave the poor girl alone, she looks scared- or better yet, annoyed."

You mentally thanked his first mate, Benn Beckman.
He was the mature one of this crew, which you thankful for, but it's too late to escape now. They're already on sea, and way to far to go back to the island.

And this is when you ran to a random room and ate the Devil fruit. Now your useless in sea water. Congrats.

In that room, you brought out the same Devil Fruit book, searching for the one you just ate.

Oh. There it is.

The Jikan-Jikan no mi? What type of fruit is that?

The ability to control time.

Holy Shit.

(1021 words)

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