Chapter 17: Revenge

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Italic and underline means that you're talking in your mind

Italic and Bold means sound effects


It's been a month, and you've been wondering what Whitebeard and Shanks were talking about. So you've been patient and decided to see what happens.

That was a mistake.

You're currently on the Moby Dick silently reading in the corner, with some of the commanders talking to you, sorry. Correction. More like bothering you.

How the hell did this happen..?


It all started when Shanks wanted to get his revenge on you.



Sitting on the deck, you've waiting a month and was still curious about what they talked about.

You waited in your room until you heard someone shout,

"Permission to board?"

"Permission Granted!"

You walked onto the deck watching closely to what happens.

Shanks walked up to Whitebeard and said,

"I'll allow it, .... Only for a month though."

You couldn't hear much so you just decided to go back to your room.

"Hey (Y/n)! Come here!"

Shanks called you over to them.

Now you were very suspicious of them. Them being quiet about what they were talking about...? And then Shanks calling you all of a sudden?

You started walking towards Shanks.


Shanks grinned.

"I wanted revenge! So you're going to be hanging out with the Whitebeard Pirates for a month. Good luck!"

"WHAT THE- Shanks you didn't even ask me about this!"

Shanks looked back at you,

"I didn't? Oh well, have fun!"

He ran up to you, lifted you up and threw you on the Moby Dick.

Like. Literally threw you.

And you yelled at Shanks when you got thrown.

Now you're stuck on the ship.

~flashback end~

And that's how you ended up here. Stuck with the Whitebeard Pirates.

I mean, you didn't mind, since they were a rowdy, but fun group to hang out with.

But they can get awfully annoying at times. Especially the pranksters. Which contains Haruta and Thatch, and later on, Ace would probably join.

The prank this time was putting a bucket of water above the door you were walking through.

Sea water.

So now you're soaking wet, and unable to use your Devil fruit.

You could hear whispering saying that it was for Marco, not you.

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