Chapter 2: The New Mother

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The next morning Natalie came running into Blake's room and jumped on us. "Wake up! Wake up! It's morning time!" Natalie yelled. "Good morning baby. How did you sleep?" Blake asked. "Good. Are you my new mommy yet?" Natalie asked me. "Depends. Do you want me to be ur new mommy?" I asked her. "Yes I do." She said with an adorable smile on her face. "Then I'll be ur mommy if ur daddy is ok with it." I told her. "Daddy can she be my mommy? Please?" She asked. Blake looked at her and shook his head yes. Natalie started jumping on the bed and on us. "Ok come on sweetie let's get breakfast now." I said to her. "Yay breakfast." She ran up to me and put her hand out for me to carry her. I picked her up and carried her down to the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast nat?" I asked her. "Hmmm...PANCAKES!" I laughed at her adorability. "Pancakes it is." I grabbed a pan and she grabbed the box of pancake mix. I sat her on the counter for her to help me and I grabbed the bowl and spoon. We started to make the batter while Blake was standing in the doorframe with gray sweat pants and no shirt on. Me or nat didn't notice until we both turned around to the pan to flip the pancakes. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked. "Long enough to find out how good you are with kids." Blake said walking closer to me and nat. I started to go red again and Natalie started giggling. "I didn't say anything to make you go red this time. Why are you so red?" Blake asked. I shrugged my shoulders even though I knew why but didn't say anything because of nat being in the room. "Daddy what's in your pants?" Natalie asked without a care in the world. This time Blake went red and I started to laugh. I fell on the floor laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. "I'm going to get a shower. Stay out of the bathroom please." I started to laugh even harder knowing why he was going in there. Natalie started to giggle to even thought she didn't understand anything but it was still cute to hear her little giggle. "Ok let's finish the pancakes and eat." I told nat.
*Blakes Pov*
"God the things she does to me makes me want to do things to her. I can't believe nat said that out loud. Do you think she felt it? Do you think she saw it? What am I going to do now? She knows why I came in here and now I gotta fix myself before I can go back out. This is going to be great."
*Back to Angelica's pov*
Nat and I finished the pancakes and we get up the table with the pile of pancakes, fruit, coffee, milk, orange juice, bacon, eggs, ect. "I hope we made enough." Nat said. "I'm sure we made plenty." I said back to her. I picked her up and set her down on the ground and took the last few plates over to the table so nat doesn't break them. Not even 2 minutes later Blake comes downstairs with his hair wet and hanging in his face. God he looked hot. He walked over to nat and gave her a kiss on the head and walked over to me. "Hey sorry about what happened before. I didn't think that would happen." Blake said going red a little bit. "It's ok I think it's normal for guys anyway." I said trying not to laugh. I was about to walk over to the table but before I did I decided to give him a kiss on the cheek.
*Blakes pov*
"I came back downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I walked up to nat and gave her a kiss on the head and walked over to angelica. I apologized to her and I saw her trying not to laugh. That made me smile. She started to walk back over to the table but before she did she gave me a kiss on the cheek. God I love her. I'm so glad nat likes her too because hopefully one day I'll marry her and we can have another baby together."
*Back to Angelica's pov*
I walked over to the table and sat down. Not long after me Blake sat down too. "Mommy? Can you pour me milk please?" Nat asked. I smile and poured her milk in her sippy cup. Blake looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. After everyone ate and cleaned up we went to get dressed. Blake changed into a black button up shirt that showed his muscles and some of his tattoos, Natalie wore a yellow dress with blue flowers on it, And I wore a pair of black jeans and a purple crop top hoodie with a little bit of natural makeup. I curled my hair and I did Natalies hair too. I put little pigtails in her hair With blue bows. After we got dressed nat and I walked downstairs and met up with Blake. 'He looks so hot today. That shirt makes him even hotter. God I love him. Hopefully one day we can get married and have another baby.' "Well what should we do today?" Blake asked. "Can we go to the park?" Nat asked. "Sure let's go to the park for a little bit." I said. We packed up the jeep and headed to the park for a little while. While at the park I got a call from my mom and dad. "Hey mom and dad." "Hi hunny how are you?" "I'm good." "That's good. Where are you?" "Oh I'm at the park with Blake and his daughter." "Who is Blake?" "I've been helping him out with his daughter." My parents talked to me and Blake for a while till they had to go. "Your parents don't seem that bad." Blake said once they hung up. "Not their not, they just worry about me because of me being an only child and all." I told him. "Yea that's how I am with nat. I mean I have to be, she's my baby girl." He looked at me after he said that. Blake moved some of my hair behind my ear and leaned in to kiss me. I leaned in to kiss him too and when he did kiss me I didn't want him to stop kissing me. His lips were so soft, he was very passionate about the kiss, he pulled me in to kiss me deeper. Once he pulled away he started to smile and I smiled back. Natalie came back shortly after and she said she wanted to go home. Once we got home Natalie fell asleep so I took her back to her room and put her in her bed. Once I came out of her room Blake walked in his room. I walked in too. "You know this isn't just my room right?" Blake turned to look at me. "What do you mean?" He looked at me and smiled. "This is your room to now darling." I looked at him and smiled. He walked up to me and kissed me again. He lowered me to the bed still kissing me not stoping. He started to get a little touchy and I just let him. He looked at me for consent and I shook my head yes. He did stuff to me that no one has ever done. After that I layer on Blake's chest and started to draw circles on his muscles. "You know that was the best I've ever had." I looked at him and smiled. "That was the best I've ever had too." I went back to drawing circles on his chest and he started to rub my back. We both fell asleep a little while after that.

Little did Blake and Angelica know they were in for a surprise.

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