{🫀133} OC adopt

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Okay, so

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Okay, so... I have other than art today!
As I'm sure you're aware, I have a lot of original characters. So many, that way too many go unused, which is why I'm hoping to re-home some of these characters to people who will use them!
First up is this guy! I've had him forever, but never really used him, which is why he's up for adoption today!
If your interested in adopting him, just comment that you'd like to adopt him, and I'll hand him over! (Yes you can change this characters and name them whatever you'd like!)
When he gets adopted I'll post the next character who needs a new home, and that's how it will continue until I've re-homed all of my unused characters!

{Adopted by Splashheart8 }

If you know someone who might want him, please tag them ❤️

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