Lose Ends

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The battle between Oryx, Lancelot, Sukuna, and Siegfried is still going strong with Oryx leading his fight, while Siegfried and Sukuna seem to be in a stalemate. None of them are using all of their powers as this fight is merely the first of many that they will have.

While Sukuna can land multiple hits on his enemy he cannot seem to be able to get passed the Amour of Fafnir. Not even Dismantle can. So as he dodged another slash and counter attacked with a strike to his midsection which did absolutely nothing he knew that this was getting ridiculous.

Luckily for him however Ddraig has a skill that can easily get passed that noble phantasm. The only problem is that no user of the boosted gear has ever unlocked it before. Vali was able to unlock Albion's restricted abilities with time but Sukuna has not has the boosted gear for even a year. So he will not be able to use Penetrate in this battle.

Eventually both Siegfried and Lancelot glowed gold and started to turn into gold dust. Both of them did not look alarmed by this as Lancelot roared at Oryx and Siegfried stared at Sukuna.

"We will meet again, Evil Dragon. Next time I will not hold back." Promised the Slayer.

Sukuna just grinned. Fights are always appealing to him and he was tired of holding back as well. Soon a Garganta opened and Aizen stepped out.

"The war between us and the Heroic Spirits has officially begun. There will be no rest for any of us from this point forward. We have no time to lose." With those words Aizen and co traveled back to the underworld.

Soon this entire universe will be in chaos. So in order to make sure that no one would foolishly make this war more complicated then it already is Aizen is going to inform every pantheon of what will happen when they do.

-{Line Break}-

Every faction throughout the world trembled at the defeat of the Greek faction. A pantheon that has faced countless tribulation's fell in one night. It was unheard of. Impossible even. Yet it happened all the same.

Meetings were called amongst the strongest of powers to decided on what is to be done. The likes of Odin, Shiva, Indra, Amaterasu and her brothers, Ahura Mazda, and many more. All here for one reason.

Yet before the meeting could begin a hologram appeared in the center of the room. No matter which way you looked at it you saw the same thing. A brown haired man sitting on a throne with white and black clothes on.

 A brown haired man sitting on a throne with white and black clothes on

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Greetings, Faction Leaders. My name, as you well know, is Aizen Sosuke." 

They all know the man. Heaven had sent every faction the memorie of Michael and they all know what this man is capable of. Some of them did not believe the information they gained but now the man appears before them.

"My war is with Gilgamesh. All of this has just been my plan to draw him out of the Throne of Heroes. You do not need to know why. I destroyed the Greek Pantheon as a show of power. I will not hesitate to slaughter each and every last one of you if you were to stand in my way." Threatened Aizen.

This enraged most of the leaders present. They have all ruled for countless centuries and this man appears out of nowhere and dares to try and strong arm them into doing what he wants. Some of them are smart enough to know that Aizen is not one to be messed with but some did not.

"You would dare to threaten us? Blasphemy! You are way to in over your head boy! We are not the same of those Greek brats. We will not fall as they did!" Declared Ahura Mazda.

All Aizen did was smile at his words and suddenly everyone got a bad feeling. This was proved right when the god of creation suddenly began to grow older. This shocked those present as gods cannot die by old age but Ahura literally shriveled up and died! It was like he aged a million years in a split second.

This being caused by Aizen new power over fate. He decides when those that are weaker than him are born, how the live, and how they die. If he wants them dead then they will die. Its as simple as that. As Aizen once said, he will decided how this world shall be.

"Is there anyone else among you that are as foolish as him?" Aizen asked in amusement.

Almost everyone shook their heads. They all knew that they are the ones way in over their heads. Never have they faced a enemy quite like this one and hopefully they will never have to. Some of them have even made plans to move their people into another dimension just to get away from all of this.

One however was not convinced. This man being Odin himself. He has always been a warmonger and power hungry. Willing to to anything to continue his life. However in doing so he has made his life shorter. A prophecy was made that spoke of the doom of the Norse faction and there is no way to stop it. His death is certain.

Yet because his death is certain is why he is willing to fight Aizen. He is destined to die at the hands of Fenrir and no one else. Thus he cannot be killed by Aizen. Meaning that he will most certainly win if they were to fight.

What he does not know is Aizen controls fate. So all of that is meaningless. He could kill him with a thought. But where is the fun in that? That's to easy.

"Trying to go against me Odin?" Aizen asked.

The hooded one stood up and pointed at Aizen's hologram.

"Of course. The Norse never backs down from a fight!" Stated Odin.

Aizen simply shook his head as he picked something up off screen and when Odin saw it he turned pale.

"I figured you would say that. So I toke precautions in case of these event." Spoke Aizen.

The item that Aizen holds is Gjallarhorn. The mighty horn that signifies the beginning of Ragnarok. This item is supposed to be in the hands of Heimdall but it is now Aizens.

"I had one of my Espada go and pick this up. He also instigated some giants into attacking Asgard. With this you will be in no position to stand against me. You really need to learn how to pick your battles, God of Wisdom." Aizen mocked.

He then blew the horn as the projection cut off. Odin raved as he teleported away. While the others now understood that they stand no chance. Aizen will use anything against them and he does not even need to. He will just do it to show you how much better he is. 

The gods now know that they need to evacuate this universe. For a battle between Gilgamesh and Aizen will surly bring about the...


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