Diablos Dragon Ascension!

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"Thou are blinded by thy loyalty"

A deep voice sounded out in the wasteland called the Underworld. Following the voice was a clang of metal that resounded for all to hear. The cause of this was none other than The Old Man of the Mountain as he struck his opponent.

The one he struck was another man who appeared to be wearing a armor made from dragon scales. This man was none other than Vali Lucifer. When the fight started he had to instantly activate Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive. Otherwise his head would currently be on the ground.

"I don't want to hear that from someone like you. You cannot even kill someone without someone else's approval." Vali ridiculed as he blocked his strike.

The first Hassan did not answer as he suddenly appeared behind Vali. His sword struck down once more but the out come was the same. Thanks to his curse, Vali was able to turn around in time and block the strike. However Vali lost a good amount of armor from the attack.

"All intelligent beings are sheep. Nay matter how hard mthey try to forbear this fact. And yet, I accept this fact and allow myself to be guided. Hence that I never doth something that I shall regret. Thou are the like, no?" Informed Hassan mlas he asked.

However even as they talked they continued to fight. At any moment one of them could die. Yet they continue this conversation.

"Compression Divider!" Vali spoke.

Hassan raised his shield as he blocked the attack. Even with how formidable such a technique was, Hassan's power is not something that should be looked down upon. He is connected to the primordial concept of death and death cannot be divided. As such, most of Vali's abilities do not work on him.

"No luck, huh? Well anyway, I guess you are right. Lord Aizen once said, 'All living things believe in someone superior to them, and cannot live unless they blindly follow them'. I pretty sure he was describing me." Agreed Vali.

As he spoke their fight traveled all over the underworld. Vali has always been the fastest Espada and no one could match him. I mean how could they? He is the Vanishing Dragon. But now, things are different.

Hassan-I-Sabbath can seemingly match and surpass him. This being a new experience for Vali. No one had done that expect Aizen and Aizen lowers his speed to match his. Honestly, if Hassan was not cursed then Vali would have died as soon as this fight started. He was not ready for that incredible speed.

But now that Vali understands that his opponent is on his level, he is not going to get cut off guard again. As their battle went on all you could see was a silvery-white aura and a blue aura chasing each other. It is as if two stars are playing a game of hide and seek.

"Wise words,  yet  for what reason doth thou fight, White One? Surely  not just because thy master tells thou so.  For what intent, doth thou owe that power?" Wondered Hassan.

Vali blocked another attack from Hassan but this one had considerably more force as he was knocked back and sent crashing into the ground. He coughed up blood as he got up.

'Partner. You cannot continue like this. Hassan-I-Sabbath has showed no signs of slowing down. At this rate, you will lose.' Stated Albion.

Vali looked up at that skull shaped mask and grit his teeth. The man wont kill him. He cant. But Aizen will. So as he gets up he resolves himself to end this.

'Do something about that. At any rate, we might have to use that. So be ready, partner.' Thought Vali hesitantly.

Vali spread his wings as he ascended to Hassan's height.

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