Chapter Three

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Several hours had passed. I had finally relented and pissed in the bucket, and I found myself waiting to hear Quinn's screams of terror and pain, but they didn't start. I wanted to feel relieved, but I couldn't get away from the thought that the man was planning something terrible. Eventually, I looked up as he entered my room, wearing his awful mask and holding some cloth in his hand.

"Shush..." he cooed as he secured the cloth as a gag and unclipped my ankle from the chain. I struggled fruitlessly, and he grabbed my wrist in a vice-like grip. "Calm down, I just had the best idea. But don't take it personally, alright?" I was confused as to what he meant by this as he grabbed the handcuffs securing my wrists and dragged me towards the door at the end of the hallway. Sliding it back revealed a hellish scene.

Various buckets sat stacked on metal shelves with handwritten labels, and glimmering knives and spotless tools laid on tables and workbenches throughout the room. There were several beds and chairs, all hosting added chains for securing victims to. In the corner, Quinn sat half naked and tied up to a wooden chair with her arms behind her back.

Her hair fell in a greasy mat over her face, and I quickly scanned her for injuries. It didn't take long to count her missing toenails or notice the small red pairs of dots that I recognized as marks from a stun gun. I felt a knife drive itself into my heart as I thought about the kind of pain she must be in. But as our warden yanked me towards her she looked up and smiled at me tiredly.

"Oh thank god," she whispered. "You're alright." Quinn sounded like she might start crying right then. Without acknowledging Quinn, he pulled me to the ground and unlocked one of my hands and snaked the cuff through another handle bolted to the ground before he locked my hand in again on the other side, effectively securing me to the ground. I sat there, kneeling in front of Quinn, too ashamed to even look her in the eye. She must be furious with me.

"I bet you two are happy to see each other. I was telling Quinn, you should've heard her screams from here. Almost needed to grab some earplugs!" he joked as he draped his arm around Quinn's shoulder. I felt a protective growl build in my throat as I saw Quinn's face fall as she flinched away from his touch.

"But you know, Quinn, I'm really surprised at how much Reyna seems to care about you. After all, you're the reason you're both here." I instantly realized just what he was doing. He was going to make Quinn blame herself. "If you hadn't interrupted her little spy mission Reyna would've tipped off the police, and I would be in prison. So, as thanks for that, I'll give you something to remember us by." From the look on Quinn's face, I knew it had worked. She was already crying and couldn't even look at me anymore. I tried to protest, shake my head and let her know that he was lying, but she wouldn't even meet my gaze. I leaned my head down next to my hands and grabbed the cloth out of my mouth.

"Don't listen to him," I rasped.

He reached out and gripped her face, pointing her down at me before whispering something into her ear. Quinn looked at me after that.

I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was smiling like a child about to enjoy an ice cream treat. He stalked around me before bending down and tugging my legs back until I was lying with my arms above me. Now hovering over me, he placed the gag back into my mouth.

"Let's put on a good show together, huh Reyna?" he whispered in my ear before he rubbed his masked face down my neck. I tried to pull away with a grunt, but my arms were held taut above me. He sat up on top of me, crushing my hips into the ground with his body weight. With one deft movement he produced a small blade and slashed my shirt, allowing him to rip it off easily. He reached beneath me to unclip my bra as I squirmed underneath him. He cut my bra off, and his hands roamed my chest. I swallowed the bile that threatened to come up before I caught a glimpse of Quinn, silently crying with eyes locked on us. I looked away in shame as he began to unbutton my pants.

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