The Beast Reveals Itself

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Days had passed with no other bizarre incident- no 'devil' spotted, no peculiar deaths...all seemed well, and the silver was plentiful. It wasn't until a week or so after Ezekiel's arrival at Graveflat that the unusual came back- and changed everything forever. Prior to the horrifying incident, Colt noticed a change in his father. He would sometimes find him muttering to himself, strolling back and forth in his office as if possessed. It wasn't like him, and he was beginning to wonder if he was going mad. The only one Colt felt comfortable discussing the problems with was Ezekiel.

The two had grown closer since their first encounter. In fact, it was safe to assume the pair had become friends. Horley's son found his sickness and nightmares subsiding just by being around the other, and Ezekiel's pallor even improved. Both men were usually busy with their day activities, but frequently met up after the sun had set to simply chat...which was why Colt found it strange Ezekiel wasn't at their usual spot just at the entrance of Graveflat.

It was even stranger that he had only seem him once that day- discussing something with a somewhat passionate Jim. It seemed Ezekiel knew he was watching, for he turned and met the gaze of a prying Colt. The man immediately looked away once he realized he had been caught staring and went about his day. He figured the lawman would just spill the beans when they met that night, but with no sign or even a word from the other he assumed something more important had taken place. A disappointed Colt figured at that point he should just head home and deal with his disgruntled father.

The night was warm and the wind was blowing, but thankfully not too hard. The sounds of the creatures of the night combined with the gusts of gentle air brought a peaceful feeling over Colt as he continued down the isolated path.

No one was in sight surprisingly. Usually you would catch sight of a few drunks stumbling around or a pair of lovers uniting under the cover of darkness, but this time the whole place seemed empty. It wasn't an issue, after all Colt liked being alone. At least, he liked being alone with Ezekiel.

It was no surprise he had become fascinated with the pale man. He was refined, confident, and playful- but there was also a look of darkness in his eyes. An emptiness, too. Like he had seen so much in life and was no longer fascinated by anything or anyone. Whatever it was that Ezekiel had, his charm seemed to attract everyone around him. A few ladies had even attempted to flirt with the man, and though he returned the same coquettish banter it was clear he was not interested. Colt remembered him saying he wasn't looking for a partner and was focused on his work, but he had secretly hoped perhaps his friend's views would change. At least towards him.

Embarrassed by his bold thoughts, the young gentleman hurried down the path and past the cemetery. He only ended up coming to a complete stop when a rather strange and putrid scent began to permeate the air around him. Colt let out a wretched cough, quickly lifting up the bandana around his neck to cover his nose. That didn't help, however, as he could still make out the awful smell.

It didn't take long for him to realize the stench of decay was coming from the cemetery. Had an animal dug up one of the bodies? Should he inform the Sheriff?

Morbid curiosity took over Colt as he stared at the entrance of where Graveflat's dead were buried. The last time he even bothered to willingly walk in despite being forced to attend other resident's funerals was when his mother had passed. She was buried at the furthest corner of the cemetery, with a grand cross mounted over the pile of dirt she lay under. His father purposely threw her as far away as the eye could see just so he wouldn't have to remind himself of his woman's death. Colt never approved of it, but he was just a kid back then.

A small snap followed with a growl broke the man out of his thoughts. He froze halfway in past the black gates, scared to even look around as the disgruntled sound of something large continued through the night.

Colt tried not to breathe as he adjusted his eyes to the darkness far off, attempting to make out just what in the world was making that noise. His eyes and ears were strained, and he would've just run out had it not been for the sight that awaited him.

The man did indeed find out where the stench was coming from. Only, it wasn't what he expected. For a moment, he felt his knees grow weak until he collapsed on the floor with a loud gasp. That was a mistake on his part, for the tall shadow at the end of the cemetery seemed to finally catch sight of him as well.

Colt thought it was a wolf at first, but there was no mistaking the human shape to it. The thing hunched down, its long, dark claws digging into the dirt...and the closer it got the more the man could make out just what it was he was looking at.

The being's face was nothing but pure darkness, with a set of large, black eyes that glistened underneath the moonlight. He could faintly make out a row of sharp teeth that seemed to have some fabric attached to it. The rest of the creature's muscular body was naked and pitch black, but there was no mistaking what sat over its head. A skinned wolf, as large as the being itself. The dead creature seemed to have a mind of its own as its eyes watched the horrified man below with burning hunger.

Colt gasped once again, a spew of horrid hacking threatening to follow as he felt the coldest of chills rush down his body. The thing latched on to his leg with such speed and ferocity, the poor man barely had time to react before he was being dragged across the floor.

Now aware of what was going on and that he was about to be killed, Colt decided now out of all times it was best for him to scream. And he did, with all his might and with all the strength he could muster before the coughs of his sickness overtook him. The beast lashed out to tear his jaw off, but with a bit of luck Colt moved his head and had his bandana ripped away instead. Blood spilled from a deep gash on his lower lip, but other than that he was still in one piece.

The creature seemed to pause as it finally got a good look at its victim's face, and immediately plucked him from the floor while covering his mouth. The human writhed and groaned, aware that there were loud shout coming from the townspeople who were coming to his aid. Unfortunately, he was being pulled behind a large set of rocks, completely concealed by the darkness.

"What's going on here?!" A distant voice shouted, seemingly aware of the signs of a struggle in the cemetery. Other voices soon started to fill the night, and Colt could only struggle as his rescuers tried in vain to track him down.

"I heard a woman screaming. You smell that? There's something going on here. Get the Sheriff and Mr. Townsend!"

It seemed a few people stayed behind to survey the area for any more clues before giving up entirely and looking elsewhere. Until the coast was clear and no one else was around, the creature finally lifted itself away from the rocks along with Colt- who was now very still.

Like a rabbit trapped in the jaws of a coyote, he was afraid to move in the slightest. Unfortunately for him, his lungs decided to wreak havoc again and a pool of blood filled his mouth before he was dropped to the ground. Colt could hear the creature breathing heavily over him, as if debating what to do next. He stayed focused on the floor, praying with all his might that he would live- or at least die quickly.

After what felt like a long time, the growling eventually faded away. Colt was much too afraid to lift his head up, but he did so anyways...and was met with a sweaty, naked man.

He fell back, eyes widened as he looked the individual over. Horror and confusion were written all over his just couldn't be. Surely this was another nightmare.

The man carried the pelt of a wolf in one arm and in his free hand what looked like the skinned face of a man. The skin had slick black hair and a thin, dark mustache...

Colt felt his jaw drop to the floor as the creature fitted the thing over his own dark head...and thus became Ezekiel.

"So what do ya think?" The monstrous man smirked; hands outstretched as he twirled around to show off his body. "I sure fooled ya, didn't I? Oh, what's that look on yer face. You don't fancy me no more?" He never got a response, because by that point Colt had passed out from purposely holding his breathe in for too long.

Ezekiel's hands dropped down as he sighed in disappointment.

"Well, hell."

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