A Town Built on Blood

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Jesús wiped the blood from the side of his mouth, red knuckles pulsing as he glared viciously at the drunk man on the floor.

"Call me greasy one more time puto."

The cheers of his comrades only riled Jesús up more as he spat on the man's face. He would have thrown a swift kick as well, but he was abruptly stopped by an angry Sheriff who pushed him before he could cause more damage.

It was perfect timing as well, because the fallen man's own companions seemed ready to strike back at the gang.

"What in the hell do you think you're doin'." Ezekiel grunted under his breathe, revolver in hand as he looked at everyone in the saloon. All eyes were on him as he angrily waved at them to disperse and leave them be.

"Ain't nothin' to see here, folks. Y'all get goin' now." Ezekiel watched as men and a few women begin to hurriedly go on their way, frightened by the outburst. With only a few folks left, the Sheriff now focused on Jesús's gang and the residents of Graveflat who had gotten involved with them.

"Now. Tell me what in the hell is goin' on."

"It's that damn greasy son of a bitch! He stole my god damn money!" The man who had gotten attacked now sat on the floor, wiping his bloody nose as he pointed an accusing finger at a sneering Jesús. The Mexican's gloved fingers twitched as he resisted the urge to reach for the hidden weapon underneath his coat.

Ezekiel look down at the raging man with an almost disgusted look. In one swift move, he rested his boot against the side of the man's face. His long, sharp spurs threatened to slice the human's neck if he dared utter another word, and everyone knew it. A silence befell the whole saloon as they all stared at the Sheriff in disbelief.

"Respect is earned, Mr. Kane. As far as I am aware, you do have a nasty habit of cheatin' in your lil poker games." Ezekiel pressed his spur further into the man's trembling skin, and quickly stared at his allies as they took a threatening step towards him. They suddenly froze when his attention rested on them, as if an unseen force had paralyzed their whole body.

"I pray your lil friends here do do somethin'. Gives me a reason to fill your heads with lead."

The man called Mr. Kane wanted to speak, but he was afraid to do so. With an almost pleading look, he silently begged for mercy as Ezekiel put his foot down.

"You have permission to speak now."

"...I-I'm sorry, Sheriff. I won't bother anyone! Swear it!"

Ezekiel holstered his weapon with satisfaction, shooing away Mr. Kane and his friends like they were a pack of wild dogs. They helped their fallen ally up with silent mutters and immediately exited the residence without a backwards glance.

The bartender and a few stray people seemed to finally be able to move. They slowly began to return to what they were originally doing before chaos ensued.

"Jesús Hidalgo," Ezekiel popped a cigarette in his mouth as he sternly motioned for his companion to step outside. The man did as he was told without hesitation, ordering his men to stay behind. As the two exited the saloon and were greeted by the crisp light of day, the Sheriff shot a nasty look at the other who merely laughed under his breathe.

"I thought I told you to stay out of trouble."

"Sure. Blame me for the things these gringos do. Doesn't matter at the end. They're all going to die. Even that hijo de puta."

Ezekiel grabbed the other's collar, yanking him close until their faces were a mere inches away.

"Don't." Ezekiel warned as Colt flashed through his mind. Jesús only smirked as his gaze floated from the other's forehead to someone down the street. The Sheriff was confused for a moment until he turned and noticed Horley strolling about...as well as his son.

Forgetting what was going on for a moment, the creature's grip loosened as his anger subsided into nothing. Jesús noticed the sudden change and softened expression in his companion's face, raising an eyebrow in surprise. For a split second when Ezekiel wasn't looking directly at him, the gunslinger could tell the creature's eyes had narrowed as they glowed with hidden affection.

"I didn't think that was your type." Jesús finally spoke, causing Ezekiel to immediately drop form whatever cloud he had floated into. He let go of the gang leader with no response at first, seemingly unsure of what to do.

"You're right, Hidalgo. They'll all die. Even him. And it's all my fault...but at least let me enjoy the pleasure of his company for as long as I can."

Jesús wanted to make fun of the other, but he couldn't bring himself to. The man's smirk vanished as he looked back at a rather frail looking young man. He wore a dark hat which cast a dark shadow over his face, but there was no denying Colt's eyes were focused on him.

Jesús was a little annoyed by how intensely he was being examined, but he didn't flinch or budge in the slightest. Instead, he gave a stiff smile and waved at the other until Colt turned away.

"Invite your little friend for some drinks tonight."

"What are you plannin'."

"I'm curious, 'Ezekiel'. I want to know more about this...Colt." Jesús pat the other's shoulder, "And I want to know more about you, amigo. I didn't think you had any feelings left."

Ezekiel's jaw clenched together as his fists tightened in slight anger. He didn't like humans or even wanted to be compared to them, but he couldn't deny what the other had said despite not liking it.

"Fine." Was all Ezekiel managed to mutter as he stormed away to recollect his thoughts.

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