One Who Sees Spirits

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Ezekiel remained still as he prowled the Townsend estate, peeking out every window to make sure no unwanted soul wandered back home. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he focused his attention on a slightly ajar door at the end of a narrow, darkened hall. He wasn't sure if Colt had hurried off in there, as he couldn't get any sense of the man, but it wouldn't hurt to check.

The creature carefully stepped down the eerie passage. He began to feel a strange sensation starting to build up in his chest as he managed to reach his destination, but it slowly disappeared once he tugged the door open.

"Colt?" The being called out, peeking inside the barely lit room with a slight frown of disapproval. Nothing, of course. Perhaps-.

He immediately whirled around once he caught wind of it again. An odd feeling that yanked at his head, causing him to rest on that same, sad apparition from before.

It was the woman again. She was now on the opposite end of the hall, however, and her back was facing him as she stared out a window. Ezekiel didn't think twice about confronting the spirit, but he did so cautiously. She radiated anger and sorrow, and the closer he got the more he could hear her frantic whispering growing louder.

He was now merely a few inches from the entity, and with an apologetic look Ezekiel plucked the hat from his head. He rested it against his chest as he bowed slightly.

"I am terribly sorry for the affliction I caused upon you and your family, ma'am. Suppose your son will never forgive me once he..." Ezekiel's voice trailed away and so did his gaze. He was focused around the woman now, marveling at the thick, dense aura that radiated around her.


"Who are you talking to?"

Ezekiel spun around, a breathe of relief escaping his lips once he realized it was Colt.

"Where have you been?" The creature immediately shot back, approaching the other with a hint of annoyance.

"Where else?"

There was a trickle of blood lingering on his chin from a fit of coughing he must have experienced just a few moments prior, and Ezekiel reached out to wipe it. Colt leaned back abruptly at the unexpected gesture, but that didn't stop his companion. He tenderly wiped the remaining stain from his partner's pale skin before turning back to look at the spirit he had encountered. She was gone, of course, but the essence of her being still lingered around the estate.

Colt raised an eyebrow, staring at the window suspiciously, "You're hiding something from me."

Ezekiel whirled back to attention, shaking his head in surprise, "Of course not. What makes you think that?"

Though the other would deny it, Colt thought he was quite easy to read.

"Fine. Keep your secrets for now. I have much more pressing matters on my mind."

Silence settled amongst them as the two finally decided it was time to speak about what had occurred in the other room. Ezekiel was the first to break the cloud of awkwardness, but he did so carefully. He didn't want the other to not believe them and warn his father. That would only rush things...and many others around Graveflat still needed their sins unveiled. After all, the town was raised with the help of quite a few men.

"Darlin'. Now is the time to purge those thoughts you have. What do you make of Jesús's little story?"

Colt raised his eyes slowly, nervousness visible on his face before he turned to the side. It was apparent he was trying to hide what he was truly feeling, though he tried his best to conceal it behind a tight smile. After what seemed like forever, he finally opened his mouth.

"My not a bad man, Sheriff. He has his moments, but he would never hurt someone or do anything truly wicked. I am sorry for what that man went through. I just believe he is confused."

Ezekiel didn't respond immediately and instead let the other completely finish before placing a hand on his shoulder. He squeezed gently, not in a menacing way but almost as if to give comfort.

"It must be hard to accept it. After all, Horley is the only parent you have left."

Colt nodded in response, resting a palm against his damp forehead to ease the pain pulsing in his skull, "I need time. Please, can you and Jesús leave for the night?" He didn't mean to sound so blunt or rude, but everything felt like a dream and he wished to wake up.

The being agreed and almost let him go before he squeezed tighter. He didn't want the other to starts seeing them as the enemy despite how bad everything looked.

"Despite the fact Jesús offered me everyone's souls as payment...I will never harm you."

"Yeah. But my father would pay regardless and this town will suffer heavily. Either way, I'm a dead man," Colt's pale face grew sad but immediately flashed with anger.

"Why. Why do we have to suffer for a murder we didn't even participate in? You all find it so easy to point an accusing finger against my father. He wouldn't harm anyone. If my great grandfather really did something take it on his spirit and don't damn us all."

Ezekiel finally let go once he realized things would only go downhill from there. With a quiet nod, he excused himself only to be stopped by a quiet yet resolute voice.

"You told me once that you'd help me and my father. This town. You didn't even try to convince that criminal to change his mind."

The creature hated what he was hearing and in turn it made his black blood boil. He was battling between a good and bad side knowing the darkness had already taken him long ago...why was he even bothering? And Jesús. The man who reminded him so much of himself. Did he really want him traveling down an unforgiving road of bloodshed? Why did he even care...about him, about Colt. He had sinned his humanity away. There really was no redemption for a damned soul such as his. Even so...

"You have an innocence I no longer wish to taint. I will miss you dearly- and hope you will yearn for me just as much." Ezekiel gripped on to the man's shoulders at such lighting speed the other barely had time to react. Before the human could protest, Ezekiel's soft yet cold lips pressed against his own.

Colt began to immediately feel himself dissolving into the other's chest. But just as quickly as it happened, it was gone.

By the time the young man opened his eyes, Ezekiel had disappeared. It was as if he was never there to begin with.

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