Chapter Six

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The next morning 

I wake up at 7:30am like normal. Also like normal Barry's already gone as he has to be to work by 7am. Although more often than not he's late. I make my daily raspberry lavender tea and then watch an episode of Supernatural as I drink it. Once finished I take a shower and get ready. Before I leave I grab my breakfast (parfait) out of the fridge as I had already meal prepped on Sunday. I eat it in my car and then head off to S.T.A.R Labs. 

Once there it's around 9:03am which is fine because we don't have a set time to be here it's just I normally try to be here by 9, so I feel like I'm late. Inside I realize I'm the only one there, or at least I thought that until Harrison came into the Cortex where I was reading. "Can we talk before everyone else gets here?" he asks, making me jump. "Don't do that again." I say, trying to slow my breathing as my heart is racing. "Sorry. My intention was not to scare you." he says, coming over to where I am. Once close enough he takes my hands in his, and I look up at him as I wasn't expecting him to do that. Once I do though I'm staring into his stunningly gorgeous blue eyes that are breath taking. Finally finding my voice after a moment I start talking. "Yes we can talk." I say. "Good. I wanted to apologize for bringing everything on as suddenly as I did. If you don't feel that way I understand that." he says. "I don't really know how I feel. I like you, but I just don't think everyone else will approve of us being together. I mean they know we're close, but this is more than just being close. It would be a full on relationship with a pretty large age difference." I say. "I understand that y/n, but do you actually care about all of those things?" he asks. "I mean if this is an honest conversation then yes I do kind of care about all of that. Overall I just don't really know. I've liked you for a while and up until a month ago I never thought those feelings would be reciprocated. You're Harrison Wells for gods sake. Anyone would be lucky enough to even know you let alone be liked by you." I say. "I know this may be going a little far considering all you've said, but would you go out with me?" he asks. I don't answer because yes I do, but then what if this is wrong. "Y/n?" he asks. "Yes, but keep this between the two of us for now. I don't want anyone else to know. Not yet." I say. He smiles which makes me smile as well. "Of course." he says. "Thank you." I say. He goes to back away, but I grab his wrist to stop him. "Stay." I say. "As much as I'd love to everyone will be fairly soon and it sounded like you didn't want to be seen together like this yet." he says, and with that he's leaves me alone. I instantly miss his touch and overall presence near me. I pick up my phone and see I have a text from Ollie. Barry and I agreed to partner up. We're going to train in an hour. Not that I told him that exactly. Wanna come watch? Got a special surprise planned involving arrows. I laugh wishing I could go watch, but knowing I can't. Wish I could. Gotta run point here in case we can actually track our meta. Although it's a slow morning, so maybe I could. I'll get back to you. No reply for a couple minutes then It'll be worth it. Promise. Meet here. with an address to go to. I stand up and look for Harrison calling his name. I find him in his lab as he throws something across the room and then puts his head in his hands. I come up behind him and wrap my hands around him. He turns around just enough to see me and smiles lightly. "Calm yourself. Anger does not get things done faster." I say, softly. "Why are you in here?" he asks, curiously. "Can I go out for a little while?" I ask. "Yes you can." he says. "Really you don't want to know where or if it's with anyone?" I ask. "I trust you to not do anything stupid." he says. "Thank you." I say, happily. "I'll miss you though." he says, as I take my arms off him. "I'm not leaving forever. I'll be back." I say, and with that I leave. I text Ollie that I'm on my way. 

Small time skip 

"Barry should be here by now." Ollie says. "He's never on time that has not changed." I say. "You seem happier than last night." he says. "I finally talked with Harrison. It went well." I say, smiling. "Good. I'm happy for you." he says. I'm about to respond when Barry is now standing in front of us. "How can you have superspeed and still not be on time?" Ollie asks. "Sorry I guess the super tardiness kind of neutralizes it. Also I didn't know she was going to be here." Barry says, looking at me. "I invited her." Ollie says. "How do we catch Bivolo here?" Barry asks. "Oh we don't. We're here to train." Ollie says. "What? Like Rocky?" Barry asks. "I read your friend Iris' blog post on The Flash, and I visited all the crime scenes you fought at." Ollie says. "Don't you sleep?" Barry asks. I laugh and Ollie continues. "Last month you took on a man named Leonard Snart." he says. "We call him Captain Cold." I say. "We can talk about you guys giving your enemies silly codes names later." Ollie says. "You mean like over coffee with Deathstroke and The Huntress?" Barry asks. "Also technically we don't name them Cisco does." I say. "The point is that you (Barry) engaged Snart on a commuter train which he derailed." Ollie says. "Okay there may have been some damage, but I got the job done. I was the hero." Barry says. "Barry, when you approach a new environment, do you case every inch of it? You could. You have the time. But you don't. You just run in blind. There's a difference, Barry, between having powers and having precision." Ollie says, walking away with Barry following behind. I just stay where I am and continue to listen. "When I came to you thinking about going out and helping people, you said said I could be an inspiration." Barry says. "Living this life... Well it takes more than a mask. It takes discipline. And since you are probably as stubborn as I am..." Ollie trails off as he's now holding his bow with an arrow out. "What is that for?" Barry, asks suddenly baffled. "You're going to run over there, you're going to come back at me, and you're going to get hit with an arrow." Ollie states. "No I'm not." Barry says. "Yes. You are." Ollie says, determined. "Okay fine. I will humor you." Barry says, running over to where Ollie had pointed. "Ready?" Barry asks. This is going to be amazing. I love Barry, but he is way too confident, Besides Ollie said that the surprise involved arrows, so here we go. "Ready." Ollie says, determinedly, as he pulls back his arrow and shoots it at Barry.  Barry runs over and catches it. "Nice try." Barry says, smiling. Within seconds I see arrows shoot out from the grass into his back. "Gah! Ah!" Barry exclaims in pain. Ollie just walks over smiling, and I can't help to laugh at what I just witnessed. "What, you shot me?" Barry asks, shocked. "I heard you heal fast." Ollie says, pulling the two arrows out. "Oh God." Barry says in pain at that. "That was great." I say, walking over to Ollie smiling. "Did you know he was going to do that?" Barry asks. "Not exactly. I knew he was going to do something involving arrows. I never would've expected that exact thing though, so I'd say it was enjoyable to watch. You were right Ollie this was worth it." I say, smiling. Ollie just smiles and Barry glares at both of us. "You two are the worst." Barry says. "You love us though." I say. Except I don't he heard it as he ran away. "God that will never not be impressive." Ollie says. "It's normal when you're around it everyday. Nothing interesting about it really." I say, truthfully. "You should probably get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Glad you came though." Ollie says. "Me too." I say. 

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