Author's Note-Happy New Year!

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 Happy New Year!!! I seriously can't believe it's already 2023. The last three years have gone by so quickly. Anybody else feel that way?  Anyway...

I know it's been almost a month since the last update and I want  to apologize for that. School has been pretty stressful lately and then over the holidays things were crazy. Therefore I did not really have any free time to write this story. 

Chapter Seven which is being posted with this was written on December 12th, 2022 before everything got crazy, and the only reason I hadn't published it before now was that I wanted to post chapters 7, 8, and 9 all together. 

That being said as of today (January 6th, 2023) I am updating this story with this author's note and Chapter Seven. I am also starting to write chapters 8 and 9 either today, or tomorrow. 

Lastly I want to say I can't believe that we are at 400 totals reads. Thank you to everyone who has read this so far. I promise it only gets better from here.  Hope you enjoy chapter seven!!!


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