Chapter Nine

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If you want to know how things are going I'd just like to remind you that yesterday Harrison invited me to his house for dinner tonight. That being said I'm trying to not totally freak out as I am on the phone with Thea. (Thea Queen. The little sister of Oliver Queen.) "What if I don't wear the right thing? I mean, what do you even wear to a dinner date at a person's house?" I ask. "Calm down, y/n. I'm sure he'll like whatever you end up wearing whether it's a full on prom dress or something as simple as sweats." she reassures me. "Okay. Let me go find a few options." I say as I head to my closet. After choosing three things I like I go back to show Thea. The first being a pair of black flare leggings with a cute baby blue cropped long sleeve shirt, and then black ultra mini platform Uggs. Second was a pair of acid wash jeans, a red tank, black zip up hoodie, and converse. Third being an emerald green off the shoulder long sleeve, black ripped jeans, and black combat boots. "Which one seems like the right thing?" I ask. "Personally I loved you in all of them, but having to choose the one that best fits this situation. Definitely the last one." she says. "I'll go change and then head out. Thank you for your help, and I'll make sure to fill you all in on how it goes."  I say. "You better." she teases, and then hangs up. 

I do as I say, and before I know it I'm standing outside Harrison's house. The Harrison Well's house. Which I must add looks spectacular on the outside definitely not what I was expecting at all. I knock and in a few seconds the door is opened by none other than Harrison himself. "Welcome, please, come on in." he says, and I do as I close the door behind me. "You can set your coat over there, as well as your shoes." he says, gesturing to a small room off the entrance way. I do exactly that, and then rejoin him in the entrance way. "I'll show you around first." he says. 

After a thorough tour we ended in the small dining area to the side of the kitchen. Which has a table set for two with a few candles, and food ready to be served on plates when needed. "Wow a candle lit dinner. That's really traditional and romantic. Honestly I had no idea what to expect tonight. This is amazing." I say. "That was my intention. To be very traditional and slightly old fashioned this evening. Also thank you it definitely took quite some time." he says. "Should I sit?" I ask. "Of course." he says. I do and he moves beside me.  "Isn't it more traditional to sit across from your partner?" I ask. "Is that what we are?" he asks. "I mean this is technically our third date. Although partner may not be what you want to refer to me as. It's just become easier for me to say whether I'm dating a guy or a girl." I say. "You've been with girls. I did not know that." he says, intrigued. "One serious relationship mainly, but I have been with a few. Also sorry if you're not comfortable with that I kind of forget to bring it up because most of my close friends and family have known it for a while. I even told Cait and Cisco a few months after we met as we got closer. Really I'm sorry for not bringing this up sooner." I say. "You have no reason to apologize, y/n. I do not mind it at all. As you know I am all about modernizing the world farther, so that we can create a future where even the once impossible is accepted." he says. "Thank you for being that accepting." I say. "So what can I call you?" he asks. "I figured your girlfriend. Unless that's too official. I don't want to force that on you." I say. "No, that sounds great. I assume I'd be your boyfriend." he says, hopefully. "Of course." I say. "Good now let's eat." he says. 

After dinner 

"I know this may be pushing my luck, but do you want to stay the night?" Harrison asks, as we're sitting on his couch. "Don't take this the wrong way because I'd be honored to stay. Except I kind of already said that I would head to Starling tonight, so that I can go Christmas shopping with everyone tomorrow." I say. "That's fine I wouldn't want you to change your plans last minute for me. You can stay another time." he says, kindly. Although I can tell he wishes I could've stayed tonight, and it makes me sad that I made him feel this way. He's trying to hide the disappointment, but it's not really working. "Don't lie and tell me it's fine when you're going to sit here feeling like you messed something up. That I made that up because I don't want to stay or that this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't pushed too far. None of that's true, Harrison." I say, while holding his hands in mine. "I really don't want you to cancel plans for me. I just wish I had planned this ahead." he says. "I promise I will stay sometime soon. You don't need to worry about that." I say, bringing my hand up to run my fingers through his hair. "How did I get to deserve you?" he asks, looking into my eyes. "By being you. Also maybe because you are really attractive." I say, smiling. He laughs at that last part. "I hate to cut this night short, but I do need to leave." I say, pulling away although I really don't want to in the moment. "Give me a second and I'll take you to the door." he says, starting to move. "No, stay here. Be comfortable. Relax. I can lead myself out. Don't worry I've been here long enough to know the way back. I will see you on Monday." I say, starting to leave the room. "Y/n." he calls, stopping me. I turn to him. "Tonight was perfect. Thank you." he says. "You did everything I should thank you." I say. He just looks at me for a moment clearly waiting for me to say something else. "You're welcome." I say, and with that I head back to the entrance way. Once there through the glass windows surrounding the room I can see the sunset. It's a beautiful mix of pinks, purples, oranges, and yellows. A beautiful view on a winter's night after an amazing evening with the person I love. Love?

7:30pm that night

After leaving Harrison's  I quickly packed a bag for the few days I'll be in Starling. Now I'm on my way to Starling while currently talking to Thea. "You basically admitted to yourself that you love him. Now you just need to tell him." she says. "Not that easy. We just put labels on our relationship tonight. Our third date. It's way too soon." I say. "Yes, but you've known him for almost a year, and have known you both like each other for months." she points out. "I don't know. I guess I'll just tell him when it feels right." I conclude. "Alright, I'll see you soon then?" she asks. "Before you know it." I say, hanging up. For the rest of the car ride I listen to Ruelle and think of the right time to tell Harrison that I love him. Yes. Love. 

A/n: 1284 words. Love?? Does Harrison feel the same? Anyone else excited to see how the confession goes? Again these are more just filler chapters, but this one was definitely important to include. Also I know I kind of want to write the shopping in Starling with Thea, Ollie, Laurel, and possibly others I just didn't want it in this. Would you be willing to read that? If so it'll probably be one of the shortest chapters in this, but I am willing to write it. 

Another thing I want to add is that after this chapter (possibly the shopping one) it's getting into longer chapters again as the events are going to be crucial to the story. 

As always make sure to vote, comment, and share with others who may be interested. I love any and all feedback. Don't forget to comment if you want the shopping chapter or not as I will be looking. Hope you enjoyed!!!


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