Chapter 1 | Start it Anew

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February 2nd, 2006

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February 2nd, 2006

Athena Roi, nine years old.

[Wake up.]

Her eyes clenched tighter, eyebrows furrowing as she nuzzled her nose into the plump warmth of her small pillow. The warm blankets hugged her graciously, warming her tiny body with glee.

"Je souhaite vous parler."
[I want to talk to you.]

The young girl's eyelashes fluttered open. Darkness welcomed her, but she found that her pale eyes adjusted as if it were a familiar welcome. She expected to see someone at her bedside, but the girl saw no one.
Slowly, she rose into a sitting position. Athena blinked as she peered around, "Bonjour?" Her squeaky, tiny voice whispered into the unknown. There was no response from the darkness around her, but instead one in her head.

"Salut." The voice spoke in an incredibly gravely feminine tone. This voice sounded as mature as her mother.

A deep chuckle vibrated in her subconscious. Still, she did not understand. "Où es-tu?" She whispered into the darkness once more.
[Where are you?]

"Je suis dans votre esprit." The voice responded matter of factly, "Je m'appelle Artio. Je suis vous autant que vous êtes moi."
[I am in your mind. My name is Artio. I am you as much as you are me.]

In her mind? The nine-year-old girl was in awe. She had a new friend in her head who could hear all the stories from her imagination. This voice sounded older, though the young girl did not discriminate age. 
Slowly, she lowered herself back into a lying down position. Why did this best friend appear? Artio hummed, "Nous nous sommes liés tôt. C'est la bénédiction de la déesse de la lune." she answered.
[We bonded early. It is the blessing of the goddess of the moon.]

Athena perked at this. She has heard stories from her fairytale books about the goddess of the moon. She gifted people the ability of the werewolf, a common tale in most of the books she had. 

Artio ruffled in pride at the girl's young knowledge. 

The young girl was excited. She began to shift towards the edge of her bed. Mother would love to hear about this! What a tale to tell. Artio, though, was not fond of this idea. "Non!" She exclaimed.

Athena stopped her movements immediately. What? She has a new friend and a new story to tell. Why can she not tell her mother? Her new friend whimpered like a puppy, "On ne peut pas." She whispered. [We can't.]
Artio continued on, "Je crains que cette mère n'ait un secret dévastateur." She told the girl. While she didn't know what devastating meant, it did not sound like a good word. Athena believed Artio wholeheartedly. [I fear that mother has a devastating secret.]

If this was a new secret to keep, then so be it. Athena will not disappoint her friend by sharing this secret. Artio was pleased with this revelation. 

But can she share this secret with River? River is excellent at keeping secrets.

"Non." Artio whispered sadly.

"Vous ne pouvez pas"
[You can't.]

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