Chapter 23 | Running From the Man She Loves

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Her body felt like a manipulated puppet she had to fight to keep.

Regardless of her speed- she'd wave around from side to side, legs moving on a whim whenever Artio willed it to.

Stop it! 

"CRONUS!" Artio wailed.


Her large paws stumbled over a tree root- one she'd easily avoid if it weren't for Artio battling her for control. Riot's heart throbbed in her ribcage- pounding faster and faster as the scent carried by the breeze behind her got stronger and stronger.

A black haze struck her- throwing her body to the ground with a loud thump. The side of her body ached from the force.

His body convulsed and bent into itself, allowing her to wiggle out from below him and onto her paws. 

She'd watch him shift into a human. His skin was slightly tanner- his body curvy with dense muscle. Cronus was most literally tall, dark, and handsome. Riot's eyes fell on his pecks- which bulged from his body attractively.
Shuffling her paws- Artio cooed dreamily as her gaze fell to his crotch. The wolf immediately shook her head, averting her eyes and attention entirely. 


A desperate, baritone voice pleaded through the dark silence. It danced through her ears like a siren's song.

"Please, Riot." He'd beg, clasping his large... veiny... hands. "I know it's you."

Her ears pinned back- tail tucked between her legs in remorse.

"Is this why you left?" He'd whimper, "All those years ago?"

Artio made Riot stumble- having to dig her paws into the earth to stop herself from leaping toward Cronus. He watched this display with distress- eyes watering as she battled her wolf.

She can't.

She can't face him.

"We can't keep running away!"

He'll never forgive her.

"He misses us!"

She's hurt him.

"What's broken can be fixed!"

He doesn't want her back.


Riot shook her head- resolute mind throwing Artio out like a bomb's blast. The white she-wolf lept away, bounding away into the forest. Her tail was tucked between her legs like a coward.

The most painful howl echoed throughout the forest behind her. It roared with agonized despair.

Her heart shuddered in woe.

It almost felt as if the forest whimpered as the lost lovers parted again. The landscape around her darkened, clouds growing grey and ugly.

The further she sprinted into the dark forest- the more the trees appeared lifeless. They lacked their leaves; branches empty and alone. Further away- on a hill overlooking a grand lake- She'd fumble and fall apart at the bottom of a grand oak tree.
She pressed the top of her head against the bark. The empty tree felt as solitary as she did. Shifting into a human- Riot held her face and pitifully sobbed into her palms. Her head ached from the sheer pain her heart bawled with.

She couldn't do it.

Artio had gone absolutely silent.

Riot had, once more, run away from the man she loved more than anything else. The man she dreamt of.

Artio's voice was the only thing left to echo in her mind.


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