Chapter 10

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Day 49 - Friday Night Football

Sarah had ended up sitting at the popular tables with Chris and Abby for lunch most of the week. On Tuesday, she had opened up a bit about her parents. While Chris hadn't pushed for more information, Abby had been able to corner her for more details. She had also decided that Sarah needed more of a support system and had (re)introduced her to a number of her friends, including the girl's basketball team. That was how Sarah had not just found herself sitting at the popular tables, albeit not in the most prominent center, but also currently sitting in Abby's car on the way to the home football game.

Abby had been texting her throughout the day, asking about what she was wearing, if she wanted to go out to eat beforehand, how she was getting to the football game, and on and on? Sarah was not used to this kind of prepping and partially wondered if it was so that she didn't try and keep from coming.  Abby had shown up with a carload of people, which had made Sarah nervous. Luckily Chris had also been there to help ease her tension.

After piling out at the football stadium, Sarah looked around. She had never actually been to a game before. The stadium was actually on the other side of town from their school, part of a city park system on the outskirts of town. It was pretty decent sized, she assumed, for a high school field. There were bleachers on either side of the field with some sort of building beneath, while what appeared to be a concessions stand was at one end zone and the parking at the other. There were also a few outbuildings. 

Realizing that she was getting left behind and would likely not find Abby in the crowd if she lost her now, Sarah hurried to catch up to the group.

As she sat down in the bleachers with the group, Sarah started to feel pretty out of place. This was not a setting that she was used to and her anxiety was growing. Just then, Sarah was distracted by the band starting up a much louder and more rambunctious tune. Looking to the field, in the direction everyone else seemed to be staring, Sarah saw that their football team was now running out from the lower part of the bleachers from the building beneath. Ahhh....a locker room. Cheer leaders were shouting and holding up a banner for the team to run through.

The excitement in the stands kept her from spiraling further into social anxiety. Abby and Chris were both nearby and with the game starting there was no pressure to talk to other people. Sarah found herself really getting into the game, cheering on the team. She hadn't located Ryan yet, but wasn't sure what to even be looking for anyways. He said he was the kicker. Did that mean he was the one that came out to kick the ball whenever sides changed?

Just then she heard Chris shout. "Oh man, here comes Ryan's first field goal attempt!"

Looking at the field, she saw a group of their players moving towards one of the endzones. One player seemed more tentative than the others, hanging back a bit. Sarah guessed that this might be Ryan.

"He's letting his nerves get to him." Sarah heard Chris whisper in her ear and knew she had guessed right.

When Sarah noticed Ryan was now scanning the stands, she stared at him and urged him to look her way. Maybe she could send him some positive vibes. At just about that moment, she felt their eyes lock. She couldn't really see his face through the helmet from this distance, but she thought she could feel the connection. As strange as that sounds. As her section cheered Ryan on, she waved enthusiastically and gave a thumbs up.

Turning away, Ryan headed to his position as the game restarted. His kick was good and the crowd went wild. 

It was just the first of many (not all...) amazing kicks for Ryan. Sarah learned that there was a difference between something called a punt and a field goal kick, but that was about all she learned.

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