Chapter 34

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Day 141

As Sarah looked around at the overwhelming green decorations around the cafeteria - she realized just how amazing it was that she never really noticed the changing of seasons the past two years. They actually decorated for holidays and had events. It had only been a few weeks since Valentine's Day, but so much had happened since then.

Her and Ryan were REALLY dating now - meaning going to movies, dinner, hanging out at his house and their friends' houses together. Sarah now noticed that their first attempt in the fall wasn't really dating. They had only really seen each other in school and barely intermittently otherwise. Sometimes Ryan had driven her around, but they hadn't really bonded, really connected in anything more than a superficial way. Now, it was different. Sarah was beyond nervous, since she felt more attached and even further outside her comfort zone. They talked, a lot, and Sarah wasn't used to talking with anyone. She wasn't good at sharing her thoughts and feelings. She was still awkward sometimes, not knowing how to really deal with the talking, the sharing. Ryan was helpful though, he let her take her time when needed.

The most shocking thing was that Ryan had started sleeping over some nights, or at least staying late. They hadn't moved beyond cuddling and what Ryan called 'heavy petting,' since Sarah wasn't ready yet. It was still more of the same new relationship and getting close. Sarah's parents were still mostly ignoring her and what she was doing most days, so it wasn't hard for Ryan to sneak in at night. Often, when he dropped her off after work he would just come around back and have her let him in. They would do homework while watching a show or talk about the day. Sarah would always change the subject if Ryan delved too much into the upcoming year and his potential scholarship options. He needed to decide soon, but Sarah couldn't really think about where he might end up or give any suggestions on where. It made her think about how there time together was limited and that she still had a year left in high school. It always brought her down to reality and made her mind spiral downwards. Once she felt those trends, Sarah tried to change the subject to keep the depression and anxiety at bay. She knew it wasn't the wisest and she needed to deal with it, but her ability to communicate only went so far...she was a work in progress really. 

"Hey, Earth to Sarah." 

"Wuh." Sarah was pulled out of her reverie and back into the green-washed cafeteria.

"So...have you thought about soccer any more. I know you supposedly have never played and must suck at it, but come on...we need more players! I am working on the whole basketball team that isn't doing track and field." Abby whined from next to her.

Sarah thought about the idea. Basketball is wrapping up this week. They had their last game on Friday. While they didn't make it to states like the boys had, they were much closer than anyone thought. The coach thought they might have a good chance of making it to the state playoffs next year, since only two players were seniors and graduating this year. Abby was now trying to talk Sarah into joining the fairly new women's soccer team. There weren't many members yet, since the sport isn't popular in their area for girls. Males dominated it in youth leagues, or so Abby stated, but her dad was on a mission to expand athletic options for girls. It was shocking how backwards their area of the state still was. 

Sarah had attended the first scrimmage/practice over the weekend and she wasn't that great, but it was fun. There was a lot more prolonged running than basketball and Sarah wasn't really used to using her feet to move a ball. That being said, she did better playing defense...since it was partially about just getting in the way or stopping the ball and less about actually being able to move or carry the ball anywhere specific.

"Ugh. Abby, are you bent on making me into a jock like you?" 

Luckily, Abby found this a great joke and didn't get offended. "Of course. You are awesome, just need the space to run. That whole nature versus nurture thing from science class - your parents aren't nurturing your athletic abilities enough, so I will step in."

Sarah laughed herself at that. She had to admit that her mind had been in a better space since she started playing sports. Well, she had also started working then too...maybe just being out of the house was important.

"Hello ladies!" Sarah heard as Ryan slid into the seat next to her. While they had now been together for a couple weeks, it still surprised her when he kissed the top of her head in the process. Touching and affection were still new to her and made her especially uncomfortable in public. "I'll be able to make it to your last game Friday, but then I am out for a final college tour. I really should have signed with someone by now...some kids already did it during the early period."

"You know you don't have to stay for the game." Sarah added. 

"Of course I don't have to, especially since it really doesn't mean anything. Not like you all are going to states like I did...multiple times..." Sarah gasped at that and he started laughing, which made her slap his arm.

"Of course, that's why you are on multiple scholarship lists Mr, Perfect." Not only was Ryan being courted by multiple schools, but likely for multiple sports as well. It definitely complicated things, but he was leaning towards a D2 college in Indiana that was offering a full scholarship for just soccer. There were at least two others further away that were potentially better and another one local that Ryan had already declined because it was not as good a school as the other options. Sarah couldn't even imagine having so many options just dropped at her feet.

As the first bell rang, Sarah hopped up to hurry over to history class. Before she could move too far, Ryan had grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him as he also stood up. Leaning in, he whispered in her ear "See you later for gym." Kissing her cheek, he let go and turned to leave himself.

"Aww. You two are so cute. I love it even more than before break. Maybe the time apart was good for you." Abby commented as they walked towards class before talking about how she really hoped Mrs. Stevens didn't go off on another tangent that was totally irrelevant to their required learning outcomes. It was really a bad habit of hers to bring in gossip, turning to recent TV shows instead of delving into the required concepts in a way that would help them on the AP exams that were way too close for comfort.

"At least we have swimming to look forward to in gym, especially the wonderful one piece outfits we are required to wear." This got Abby laughing as they reached the classroom.

That One Moment...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant