7) I Feel Important

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Song: Honey take my hand by Cody Francis

Kai Carter (POV)

Lately I haven't been as alone as I used to be. I still feel alone from time to time, but not as much as I did before.

I was currently sitting at my desk in my room finishing a last minute project. I had gotten so caught up in work that I totally forgot all about it and was now rushing to finish it tonight for tomorrow.

My phone had been buzzing all night which is really unusual for me. It was because I was now in a group chat with Stacy, Juan and Austin, and funny enough it was actually named the outcast alliance, because Juan insisted that that's what he wanted it to be called.

By the time I was done with my project it was already twelve forty-eight, and I was starting to get really sleepy so I decided to go to bed.

Somewhere during the night I woke up screaming my lungs out. It was another nightmare that, again, I didn't remember.

When I turned to look at my clock I saw that it was two thirty-four am. I sighed loudly and took my phone to read through all of the messages.

I definitely wasn't going to be reading all of these messages, but from the bits and pieces that I was reading, I could tell that they were arguing about the use of animals for medical experiments.

Stacy was against experimenting on animals, calling it plain evil and unnecessary, while both Austin and Juan were for it, arguing that it is for a good cause, and that it's better to test drugs and vaccines on animals than distributing untested products.

I was honestly planning on joining the conversation but I decided to keep my opinions to myself. After reading through a couple of the messages I ended up falling asleep.


The next day when I walked into the school and headed for my locker, Damien was standing there waiting for me. He have been doing that for the past week since we officially became friends.

I walked up to him giving him a kind smile. "Good morning Kai." He said smiling brightly back at me.

"Good morning." I told him in reply.

"How did you sleep last night?" He asked looking me dead in the eyes.

"Uhh...good." I lied.

He look at me with a questioning look on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"Aren't you not going to ask me how I slept?" He question.

I chuckled. "H-how did you sleep last night." I stammered already feeling a bit nervous.

He sent me a wide grin. "I slept ok." He said. "Wish I had someone to cuddle with though." He said still grinning.

Damien was the prettiest guy I had ever seen in my life, and I was sure that he could cuddle with anyone he wanted to.

"I-I'm sure that anyone would be willing to cuddle with you." I told him feeling my cheeks starting to heat up.

He turned to look at me then smirked. "Would you?"

At that point I think I was the brightest shade of red imaginable. "Umm, I-I think uhhh..." I started.

"I'm just kidding Kai." He told me chuckling. "You should have seen how red you got."

The ringing of the bell cut our conversation short and I got away from Damien as soon as possible, coming up with the excuse of I had an assignment to hand in early, which was actually true.

At The End Of The Tunnel Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon