28) Spilling Secrets

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Song: whole Wide world by Recless Eric

Kai Carter (POV)

The days seem to stretch on endlessly, and my heart aches for his presence. The memories of our time together are like a balm to my soul, but they only serve to remind me of the emptiness I feel without him. I miss his touch, his voice, his laughter, and every moment without him feels like an eternity.

Okay, maybe I'm over exaggerating a bit. The last time that I saw Damien was yesterday at school, and I'll be seeing him very soon at school this morning, or even sooner if he decides to come pick me up, which I'm willing to bet my left kidney that he will.

Just thinking of Damien gave me butterflies. I can't believe that such a hot guy was willing to date me. I can only imagine how girls at school will be punching air if they learn about that news.

Damien and I have been dating for less than a week, but no one at school knows yet. Well except for Damien's friends and his brother of course. It's not that I'm scared to come out at school, I'm just not ready yet, and Damien said that he doesn't care if people know, and that he'll be happy to show me off at school, and it's all up to me.

I looked over at my desk and saw the Painting of Damien laying atop some books and papers. I smiled to myself. That's my boyfriend. How I landed him? I have no idea, but somehow I did.

I looked over at my clock and saw that if I don't get my ass moving right now, that I'll be late, so I grabbed my bag and made my way out of my room.

Thankfully, on my way down I saw no sight of my parents. I've been seeing less and less of these demon spawns lately and I'm totally here for it. Even when I spend a night out of the house they say nothing about it, because they didn't realise that I was gone in the first place.

When I was out the door, just as I expected, there was a grey cadillac parked at the side of the road. With a huge smile on my face, I walked over to the vehicle and entered the passanger side.

Before I could even put on my seat belt, Damien leaned over the centre console and kissed my lips.

"Good morning, how you're doing?"

"Much better now that I'm with you." I told him.

He laughed and ruffled my hair. "That's corny." He told me.

"Shut up," I smacked his hand away from my hair. "Do you know how long it takes to tame my hair? And now you just messed it up."

"Well I think that you look much better with messy hair, so I'm technically doing you a favour."

"Yeah, yeah. Less talking and more driving. I'm not paying you to talk." I told him jokingly.

He gave me an amused look. "You don't pay me at all."

I opened my mouth widely and clutched my chest. "The lies are getting real." I said causing Damien to laugh.

"But honestly, you know that you don't have to come pick me up all the time right?" I told him seriously.

Damien rolled his eyes at me. "Of course I do. And don't try to convince me otherwise because you'd just be wasting your breath. I do this new thing with my hearing where I filter out bullshit."

"Are you trying to say that I'm telling you bullshit?" I questioned.

"Of course not. I not trying to tell you anything, I'm telling you that trying to convince me to not pick you up is bullshit." He gave me an innocent smile.

I sighed. "Fine, but can you start driving? We're going to be late for school if you don't start moving."

Damien turned to look at me. "Do you wanna try driving today?" He asked me.

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