25) Senior Field Trip (Pt.2)

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Song: Glass House by Morgan Saint

Damien Beckett (POV)

I promised Kai that I would make sure that we end up in the same room, and I'd be damned if I broke that promise. I entered the room with a huge smile on my face as if I've just won the lottery. Well, technically I kinda did. In fact, just being able to spend two days in the same room with Kai is much more valuable than winning the lottery, even if we won't be in the room by ourselves.

"I told you we would end up in the same room." I said even before my eyes landed on Kai.

When my eyes scanned the room I saw Kai sitting next to Rob! My best friend and my boy sharing a room with me? It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas to me.

But what really annoyed me was the fact that this Christopher dude was sitting on one of the beds. Why the fuck was he here? Why does he have to share a room with us? There's just something about the guy that rubs me off the wrong way.

I could see him giving me an annoyed look from the corner of my eyes. He looked like he thought that he could have made a move on Kai, and me being here is just killing his entire vibe. He's lucky that the only thing I'm killing is his vibe, because I'd snap that twig in half if I have to.

I walked over to where Rob and Kai were seating, and boy does Kai look happy to see me, and I'm equally as happy to see him. Maybe even more.

I greeted Rob with a fist bump and ruffled Kai's hair. "How did you end up in this room?" Kai asked.

"As I told you, I made sure that you and I end up in the same room." I kissed his forehead and he looked like he changed colour slightly and gestured towards Rob.

Rob gave him the most amused look I'd ever seen on him. "Don't worry about me, I've known about the two of you even before you."

"Wait, what?" Kai asked looking over to me for confirmation.

I nodded. "All of my friends know." That caused his eyes to double in size.

"They know?"

"Yep." Rob answered.

"And they're Ok with it?" He asked, and I look over to Rob to answer the question.

He looked at me and shrugged. "Of course they're okay with it. Yes I'm ok with it, why wouldn't I be? Gender shouldn't be the determination factor of who you like?" Yes Rob, that's right. He has such a way with words, doesn't he?

I nodded and Rob rolled his eyes at me. "Ok, I've said enough for today. The two of you get off of my bed, I wanna sleep." And he's back to classic Rob.

When I looked around the room, I realised that Christopher was no longer in the room. I honestly hope he doesn't come back.

I go over to where Kai was standing. "Have you chosen a bunk yet?" I asked referring to the bunk beds.

"I was thinking of taking the one above Rob." He said.

"Absolutely not." I heard Rob grumble.
"I don't want the two of you to be having sex above me. Take that bunk over there, and let that Christopher guy take the one above me." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"We're not going to have sex above you. What kind of freak do you think I am?"

"I don't know, you tell me." He grumbled.

When I looked over at Kai, he was bright red. He then proceeded to run to the bathroom. "Oh, by the way that Christopher guy was literally eye fucking Kai before you got here, so if that annoys you and you want me to beak his limbs or torture him, just say the word." And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Rob is my best friend. Get yourself a best friend that's willing to touture other people for you.

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