Things Get Messier

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Jonathon stared at her, trying to keep his temper in check.

"You did a background check on Bailey?"

"I did."

"You had no right to do that, Mother."

"Someone has to protect the family's interests. It's obvious you won't." She sat down in her chair and opened a drawer in the antique desk she used to coordinate her social engagements, pulling out a manila folder and setting it on the surface of the desk.

"I'm not listening to any of this." Jonathon turned to walk back out the door.

"Aren't you interested at all in her family background? Because I'm wondering what she told you."

Jonathan paused, turned back. "I know all about her family background. Her parents live on a small farm in Iowa. Her mother is a somewhat renowned glass artist, although she treats it more as a hobby. I'm sure that's not up to the standards you require, but-"

His mother got up from behind her desk, walked closer to him. "Did she tell you she's adopted?"

Jonathon frowned. Bailey hadn't mentioned that, but really what difference did it make?

"I wasn't aware of that, but it hardly matters. Plenty of people are adopted, Mother. It doesn't make them some sort of social pariah."

"I'm not talking some unwed teenage mother giving up her baby for adoption. Although that would be less than desirable as well. Jonathon, she was adopted when she was 15."

Fifteen? Now it was a bit odd that she hadn't mentioned it. But he wouldn't give his mother the satisfaction of knowing he was disappointed Bailey hadn't shared something like that with him. She'd let him believe - and had certainly implied - that she grew up on the farm in the Midwest.

"It gets worse," Catherine said, folding her arms over her chest.


"Apparently they were her foster parents, first. I've not been able to get any information about how she ended up in the foster care system - or who her real parents are - there's a lot of confidentiality around those situations, apparently, even though she's an adult now. But I will find out."

Jonathon had had enough. "You certainly will not. This is none of your business, and if you persist in meddling in my-"

"Meddling?" Catherine drew herself up to her full height and inclined her chin, putting on her most formidable expression.

Jonathon wasn't phased.

"Yes, Mother, meddling. This is my business, and Bailey's. And I might as well tell you, I have every intention of marrying Bailey, that is, if she'll have me."

He blew right past the horrified expression on his mother's face.

"And I remind you, you may disapprove of how I choose to live my life, but I am your only son. And if you want to have any relationship with me - any, going forward - you'll call off whatever inquiries you are making about Bailey's background, and mind your own business." He strode to the door, then turned back one more time. "Nothing of this conversation gets repeated, do you understand?"

"What I understand," Catherine said, "is that you're making a fool of yourself over this girl."

"Then that's my business as well," Jonathon said, and stalked out.

And bumped directly into Caylee, who was standing right outside the door.

"Eavesdropping?" he asked.

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