Late for Dinner

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How ridiculous was it, Jonathon considered as he sat at the main table across from his grandfather, that their summer home on Sag Harbor had a room large enough to hold a banquet. When you grew up the way he did you never really stopped to consider the absurdity of it. Now, having been away for some time leading a wealthy but certainly more reasonable lifestyle in Miami, Jack was a bit appalled at his own family's casual acceptance of this level of conspicuous consumption.

But then, maybe it was just Bailey who had made him see everything he took for granted before through different eyes.

Where was she? He frowned at his watch. She should have been down here for dinner 30 minutes ago. Everyone had already stopped milling about sipping drinks, tasting the lavish hors d'oeuvres, and most of the guests were already seated at one of a dozen or so round tables each outfitted with a pristine white table cloth and a tasteful centerpiece.

He glanced at the conspicuously empty chair beside him, and adjusted the bow tie on his tuxedo. Catherine had insisted on formal attire for the event, despite his grandfather's protest that a more casual event on the spacious veranda would have sufficed just fine. In matters of entertaining, Catherine typically got her way.

She and his father sat on either side of JB, and Bailey should be sitting to his right. Caylee was on his left, and was doing an excellent job of keeping up a patter of conversation, mostly with his grandfather and his father, all of whom seemed oblivious to the tension between Jonathon and Catherine.

Catherine raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow and tilted her head toward the empty chair.

"Will Miss Reid be joining us?"

Jonathon took a deep breath and let it out before answering. After all, he was the one who had insisted that they avoid drama at the celebration.

"Yes," JB said, "where is Bailey? Delightful young woman. I really enjoyed my conversation with her at lunch today."

Catherine's lips tightened.

She looked smug, Jonathon thought, probably imagining that he and Bailey had had an altercation over the adoption and foster care information Catherine had uncovered. Well, she didn't know the half of it.

"I'm not sure," Jonathon admitted. "She wasn't feeling well earlier today."

"That's right," JB said, "she went upstairs to take a rest right after lunch. I do hope she's able to join us."

The most important thing - still - was that his grandfather not be upset right now as the party was just beginning. He'd talk to him later, maybe even this evening after all the festivities were over, and perhaps get his advice. Although he knew already what his grandfather would say. Stop making assumptions, and just talk to the girl. Find out her side of the story.

Well, he was going to talk to her tonight, wasn't he? He'd already told her so.

"So who is this young lady you've been seeing?" Jonathon's father asked.

"No one we know, darling," Catherine interjected.

"Hmm. Someone you met in Miami, I assume?"

"Yes, if you'll excuse me a moment," Jonathon said, "I think I'll just go upstairs and check on her."

"Don't take too long," Catherine said, sharply. The first course is coming out momentarily."

"Right," Jonathon said, as he rose, and then headed out of the room and toward the stairs.

What was Bailey up to now? Surely she realized that by showing up late for dinner she was only calling attention to herself. If she refused to come downstairs, he'd just have to make excuses for her and then deal with the situation later. There was no way he could miss the dinner, or the tribute afterwards, especially since he was supposed to say a few words introducing the video montage of photos and home movies his mother had had put together for the event. He'd previewed it last week from his office computer. He imagined there wouldn't be a dry eye in the house.

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