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Damien's POV

I guess this is what it takes to be a family man, I muse to myself as I watch Aidan's company. I am here early to see him briefly but I am surprised to hear that Aidan isn't in yet. Aidan is a punctual person and I wonder why he isn't at work at half past 8 am already. 

I want to make my presence in New York known to him, which is why I have come to visit him. After I was told of his absence, I came back to the car and sat waiting for him. If he doesn't show up in the next one hour, I will have no choice but to leave and come back some other day.

I came to New York two days ago and I plan to go see my father tomorrow. I know I will see him at home tomorrow being Sunday, he doesn't work on Sundays.

I don't know if he will be willing to see me now after months of fighting each other but I am done fighting him. 

If only I can go to his office instead of going home, I don't want to see his so-called wife, I murmur. 

But I guess I have to go see how she is and how she is taking care of my father.

I plan to see Tessa and Anna before leaving New York. Besides, I don't plan to leave New York soon. I will leave after I have executed my plan. I know that is when I can have my peace and that is when I can say bye to my frequent New York journey that has nothing to do with my businesses.

I am thinking of the plan I have restructured and smiling when a car drives in. I know instantly that it is Aidan before he even comes out.

I am sitting at the back of the car looking out towards the car Aidan just drove in, with my back on the car seat in a comfortable manner and my legs crossed. 

As if reading my mind, my driver comes out to open the back door for me immediately Aidan hops out of the car with his briefcase.

I step out with a smirk. "Hello, Aidan." I greet, making him stop in his tracks.

He turns back slowly to face me. I smile and wave at him.

"Surprise", I beam, spreading my arms out like a child who is excited to see a longtime friend. 

"Did you miss me?" I ask, ignoring his cold glares.

"What are you doing here?" He grunts.

I pout. "Is that how to welcome your best friend?"

"Damien, what are you doing here? I don't have time for your nonsense......"

"I don't have time for yours, either." I retort back, feeling my anger rising.

"If you don't, you won't be here this morning wasting your time and my time", he thunders.

I smile. I don't want to be angry, or I will be forced to begin my punishment on him right away. He has no idea how much I detest seeing him. I am refraining myself right now from punching him hard in the face for all the pain he has caused me, for all the times I have spent alone in agony without him beside me, and for making me lose the award.

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