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Aidan's POV

I don't know why I can't hide my emotions. 

As much as I was trying to hide my irritation when she insisted that I go back to work, I couldn't. I showed her that I was upset and she did not even call me back to apologize. 

I instructed the maids to let her sleep and take care of my baby before heading back to work. I had the intention of staying with her, till she fall asleep before going to my room to call Chloe to bring me some files home so I can work from home. But since she wants me to go, I will.

Tristan gave me information about Evelyn's restaurant. I didn't let him stop from monitoring her movement and what she does. He said the construction has stopped for more than a week now. At first, I was glad because that was how I intended to punish Evelyn but now I am thinking from a different light, as a changed man.

I no longer want to be bad, I no longer want to punish her or her daughter anymore. I thought they deserved it but I am wrong. What Anna said to me last night is still stuck in my head, which is why I was unable to sleep well last night. I kept thinking about all the things I have done and all the things I intend to do to make them suffer.

What I feel right now for them is pity. Anna said something about not having a father. I was born with a silver spoon despite how rough my teenage stage was but Anna wasn't born with that same spoon. 

I suddenly have respect for Evelyn for how strong she is for her daughter. I have received several messages from her asking me to help her with some money to complete her restaurant but I ignore them all. I thought I was doing the right thing. 

She has stopped calling or sending me messages and I feel it's right I do her a favor by completing it and sending her some money. I also want to compensate her for all the troubles I have caused her and her daughter. I might not be the perfect son-in-law but I am ready to change for good.

I park the car in the driveway and walk inside. I approach Esther on the desk. She bows in greeting with a smile on her face when she sees me walking towards her.

"Welcome, sir."

"How are you?" I try to smile at her but it comes out as a grimace.

"I'm fine, sir."

"I want you to call the Head of the Construction Department. Tell him to go to this place with his workers and complete the work on the building", I take the pen on her desk and scribble the address where Evelyn's restaurant is situated on it. 

"I will be busy so I don't want anybody to distract me. In case they have any questions about the architectural structure, tell them to call this number", I put down Evelyn's number from my phone.

"Alright, sir", she replies.

"Good. Have a cheque of $200000 delivered to this person as well", I point at Evelyn's name on the paper before dropping the pen.

"I will do just that, sir."

"Take care", I move away from her desk and take long strides towards the elevator. 

Since I am now at work like my wife requested, I need to start work and I don't want any form of distraction. I hope to finish on time so I can go home early to check if she is ok.

The elevator dings open and I enter. Within minutes, I am on my floor.

My footsteps announce my presence and Chloe rises from her chair.

"Welcome, sir."

"How are you, Chloe?"

"I am fine, sir", she responds.

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