Transcription 0014

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Jakarta, August 26th 1967, 08:13 AM


[Door knocking three times]

[Door opening]


Mr. Setjadi? Come in! Come in! Please have a seat. Coffee? Tea?

[Sofa squeaking]


Just tea, Sir. No sugar.

[Sofa squeaking]


Oh, very well. Asri! Bring him a cup of tea! No sugar! Ah, yes. Good morning, Mister... Mr. Setjadi, isn't it? I don't want to get it mixed up, you know. Hahaha!


Yes, Sir. It's Setjadi.


Ah, blessings, blessings. I was afraid that I've called you by the wrong name. There were lots, Sir, whom Mr. Erik talked about. There were... who were there? At that time? Mr. Bedjo, Mr. Tjandra, Mr. Malik... I couldn't even remember your name being mentioned. Only your face, I reckoned. But I do remember how Mr. Erik recommended you the most. The overachiever. The most trusted.


Mr. Erik was just being nice, Sir.


Ah! And humble as well! Hahaha! Good news! Good news! Well, Mr. Setjadi, have you talked again with Mr. Erik?


I wouldn't be here this morning if we didn't.


Ah, correct! It is, rather, my impoliteness, to ask things with obvious answers. Hahaha! Oh, do you smoke?


I do, Sir.


Ah, good. I have a friend then. Do you find cloves agreeable?


Those are, in fact, my kind of cigarettes, Sir.


Wonderful! We have the same taste as well. Truly! I was only looking to hire you a moment before, and apparently we now can be smoking friends. Hahaha!

[Bare footsteps approaching]

[Ceramics thumping wooden table]


The tea, Mr. Setjadi, Mr. [NAME REDACTED]

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