Transcription 0015

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Jakarta, August 27th 1967, 07:01 PM



How are you?


I'm fine, Sir

[10 seconds silence]

[Sound of tobacco bag hitting the surface of wooden table]

[Sound of matchstick box hitting the surface of wooden table]


Light some. I can't see that "I'm fine" on your face. What's the matter?

[Matchstick igniting]

[Cigarette burning]


[5 seconds silence]


Why Sir Gandaria?

[Cigarette burning]



Not my problem. Not my job to know. You even asked me by using his code name, didn't you?


Why Sir–


Stop. Do not speak his name. I'm going to tell you slowly. We are not a division that asks a lot of questions. You're just not used to it yet. Five years from now, you will stop asking eventually. Believe me.



Have you also stopped asking questions?


I have, for a long while. Probably longer than you would hink.


Do you feel at peace with that?


This line of work will never give you a glimpse of peace. Even that fact rings true by being an ordinary soldier. But here, I tell you this. Until now, if you ask the veterans out there, they would still remember vividly the first enemy they hewed. The second? The tenth? The hundredth? They have been forged by it. Numbed by it. Even though each enemy was still human. Still had stories of their own. Still had families of their own. Still had significant others of their own. What differentiated the first and the hundredth enemies, eh? Just their sequence.


Then, this... Gandaria... is our enemy?


Correct. Not only the enemy of us both. Not the enemy of Father or his superiors. But the enemy of the nation.

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