Chapter 2

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Hale Mansion.

A car pulls up and four people gets out of the vehicle. Ken comes out on the driver side, Noshiko comes out on the passenger side, and Rhyme and Harmony comes out from the backseat.

They start walking towards the door, knocking on it.

Derek opens the door confused. "Great, you all are here."

Attaway General Hospital.

A guy with biker pants, and a dark black leather jacket starts walking towards the hospital with a helmet in his hand, and a Attaway General hospital badge on his pants.

"Morning, Nurse Sandy."

"Jamie. Good to have you back."

"Yeah, it's good to be back. There's nothing then being an EMT."

"What happened to your career in photography?"

"Pay was terrible, and there was drama with this guy losing some photos, and a girl was mad. It's complicated, so."

"Well, I'll see you soon." Nurse Sandy leaves.

Break Room.

Nina is sitting at a table typing on her computer, when Jamie walks in.

She looks at him leaning on the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asks him.

All he does he smile for his response.

Hale Mansion.

"Why are you four here?" Derek asks them.

"Malia called us her, for moral support." Ken tells him.

"Support for what?"

Malia sees the four of them. "Hey, I'm glad y'all are here."

"Malia, why did you call them?"

"Can you give us a minute?"

"Fine." Derek leaves.

"You haven't told them?" Noshiko asks.

"No." Malia responds. "I have been putting it off until you all got here."

"That's a dumb thing to do." Harmony tells her.

"Thanks for the support, Harm."

"No problem."

"She's just playing." Rhyme says.

"Sure, let's go with that."

Parker walks in. "More of the family?"

"Who are you?" Rhyme asks.

"I'm Parker. I'm the long lost brother of Derek and Cora."

"This family just keeps growing." Harmony says laughing. "I'm going to talk to Eli." She leaves.

"Sorry, she's still having trouble making friends after we moved." Rhyme follows her.

"Where's Jed? I want to see him." Noshiko says.

"I think he left to go to the hospital."


"He works there."

"Kira was telling us about him getting kicked out, is there another one?"

"No, it's the same one. They figured out that he lied for someone else, so they didn't kick him out."

Kira walks in from the back room. "Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?"

"We were invited." Ken tells her.

Hale Forever Book 2Where stories live. Discover now