Chapter 7

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Hale Loft.

Derek gives a fully healed Eli a glass of water. He then sits by Braeden on the love seat.

Eli looks at Kira, Braeden, Derek, Hayley, and Parker sitting around him, knowing they want to hear about how the skinwalkers attacked him.

"You can all stop giving me that look, I'm going to tell you all what happened." Eli says. "Here's what happened..."



Eli is talking to Alec and Lori's gravestone, telling them about the first time the skinwalkers attacked him and his family.

"Yeah, and that's what happened." Eli laughs as he soon starts to cry. "Why the fuck did you two have to come here? You all could have still been alive if I didn't shut off my fucking humanity, and kiss all of you. But you dumb fucks just had to care SO FUCKING MUCH." He starts crying more. "Why you? Why not me? I deserve that shit and not you. I was the one who put my family in danger in the first place, I'm the reason why my Dad left Beacon Hills. It all leads back to me. I just fucking wish that I could go back time."

Eli hears a spear coming towards him. He ducks in time for it to land on Alec's gravestone. "What the hell?" He snatches the spear out of the gravestone and he turns around to see the 3 skinwalkers.

"You are one of the important ones, and you must die." The third Skinwalker tells him.

"I get that you are mad at Kira, but stay the fuck away from me. You broke my friend's gravestone, you're lucky I haven't ripped off all of your throats."

The first Skinwalker throws her spear at Lori's gravestone breaking it too.

"Yeah, you really messed up." Eli growls as he gets his claws out, letting his eyes glow bright yellow.

"Don't do it." Peter tells him. "You are about to do something remarkably stupid."

"I don't care." Eli starts running towards the three skinwalkers.

The second one throws her spear at Eli at a fast speed, Eli hasn't caught onto yet.

Peter notices and he starts running to be infront of Eli.

"ELI STOP." He yells as he jumps infront of Eli, having the spear hit him in the back. He screams in pain and agony.

The three skinwalkers notices the spear has just stopped in midair.

Peter starts flickering between real life and ghost form. He then takes the spear out of his back and he falls to the ground.


Still at the Hale Loft, everyone starts looking confused by Eli's story.

"What are you trying to say?" Parker asks Eli.

"Uncle Peter... I think he's dying."

"No, no. I don't believe it." Derek says.

"Well he better believe it." Peter says as Eli looks at him, noticing that he is really pale.

"Yeah, he's definitely dying."

Peter starts flickering again and everyone notices.

"How is that even possible?" Braeden asks.

"That's for me to find out... Which is why I am going to Beacon Hills, maybe Melissa or Emma can help. I don't know, but I have to save his life."

"Wyatt, Wynter, and Willa are already there for Davina's funeral, I can tell them to meet up halfway." Derek says as Eli agrees. "I'll go help you pack."

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