Chapter 10

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Shiprock, Mexico.

As the first Skinwalker is by the entrance waiting on the third Skinwalker to come, she gets stabbed in the stomach by her spear. She takes out her spear as she turns around to look at someone in all black, with a hood covering their face.

After killing the first Skinwalker, the person in all black walks into the room were Jed, Sam, and Tara are, tied up to a pole.

The person removes their hood, smiling at Jed.

"Hello, Jedidiah."


"Who the hell is Corrine?" Sam asks.

"My grandmother. How did you find me?"

"I didn't, I came here to use Kira as bait, to bring Malia here."


"I still want my power from Malia, and if I have to kill her son and wife just to make that happen... I will."

"What did you do to the Skinwalker?"

"Oh, I killed her. I don't want anyone standing in my way." Corrine leaves.

"Jed, what the hell did you drag us into?" Tara asks him.

"Something I don't want to be apart of either."

Hale Loft.

Eli's Room.

"Sorry that I have been M.I.A. lately, Wynter has been worrying about Willa being gone." Wyatt says.

"It's okay. I'm going to Beacon Hills to stay with my Uncle."

"I thought Parker can heal."

"He's fine, Peter is no longer in ghost form, and when the skinwalkers attacked us, they hurt him. My Dad wants me to be safe, and at this moment, my safest place is to be in Beacon Hills."

"I love you."

"I love you too." Eli gives Wyatt a kiss on the lips then leave.


"Are you ready to go?" Parker asks Eli, as him and Wyatt walk down the stairs.


"It's for your own good, you have lots of people to protect you in Beacon Hills." Derek tells him.

"Yeah, I know. Just make sure that you find Tara and make sure she's okay... And Jed."

"You know we will."

Eli nods as him and Parker leave the house.

Wynter walks in, in a hurry.

"What's the rush?" Braeden asks her.

"Willa is still missing. She went for a run in Beacon Hills, and I haven't seen her since."

"It's okay Wynter, I'll go with you to the police." Wyatt tells her.

"I already told them, they didn't do anything."

"Well I guess we have to get help of our own. Do y'all know anyone that knows how to get the police to do something?"

"Aspen, they work at the bar not far from here." Hayley tells them.

"And the only bar in Charleston. Thank you, let's go." Wynter and Wyatt leaves.

Kira's Room.

Kira has just put on her belt sword, as she starts thinking about calling Malia. She then decides to call her, because she needs all the help she can get.

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