Chapter 1- The Consent.

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Sophia POV

I glance at the time and it's 21:06. I need to finish an essay and an assignment. Why is university so difficult?. I decided to take a break and go downstairs for a snack before continuing the long night ahead of me.

I came out of my room and look down my hallway that's dim as aunt Natasha is out tonight which just leaves me and my sister,Ella at home. I walk down as I pass Ella's room,I see her light on,shining underneath the door. I open the door to see her putting on a hoodie. Her eyes opens as she screams,"you scared me".

I walk in to see her in grey sweatpants with sneakers on looking like she's about to run off somewhere. "Where you going?" I ask. She starts fidgeting with her fingers,a habit she has when she's caught doing something. I steady her hands and ask one more time. She blurts out,"to buy sweets".

I stare at her in disbelief. "At 9 in the night you want to sneak out and buy sweet,why?" I ask in annoyance. "Well it's 2 streets down and I was feeling adventurous tonight",she says cheerfully. This girl is out of her mind."No",I basically scream out. I walk out of her room,heading down stairs,hearing her footsteps following me into the kitchen.

"Sophia,please,it will be fun",she begs. I ignored her and switch on the light. I go the fridge only for her to force it close and stand in front of me. "Please,you can come with,we don't even live in a dangerous area." She pleads,trying to make her point. I roll my eyes and scream,"no".

"If I come with you,you will make it a habit of going out and it's dangerous",my voice full of concern. "But it will be fun,we will be back in no time and other than that it will give us time to talk more,since you always stuck in your room busy with your assignments",she says,trying to guilt trip me.

"Ella,it's late",I say and walk away to the sink for a glass of water. "Okay how about we make a deal?",she asks seeming so sure its going to work. "What",I say with annoyance. She doesn't know when to stop. "If we go,I promise for the next month to not pester you for anything,including not to wear your clothes," she says. Well she is always pestering me for my clothes so I guess and she is always bothering me when I do my assignments which is really annoying...I could,just this once give in to her. "Fine",I say,but you better live up to your word. "Deal",she says and starts jumping up and down.

I run upstairs,to put on a hoodie over my pink top and slip on my sneakers,do my blonde locks in a bun,put my phone and wallet in my sweat pants pockets and run downstairs. Ella was already standing outside on the porch,waiting for me.

I lock the door and off we go...

First chapter..any thoughts? Will anything happen? Or will it be a normal walk to buy sweets. 🙄

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