Chapter 9- Training.

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Sophia POV

I wake up,and the previous night's events flood through my mind. I turn to see Damon gone. Guess he has work and so do I. I glance at the time and it's 07:09.

I muster the strength to shower,get ready,and like every morning,Mary,the helper makes sure I eat. I thank her and go to see Damon.

I make my way to Damon's office,I knock. "Come in",he says sternly. "Damon,we need to talk?",I say. Dante and Matteo leave knowing this is a personal conversation. "Yes",he says with curiosity and what seems like.. scared.

I sit on one of the chair across his table. "Firstly,I can't change the fact that my parents are dead neither I can change the fact that my parents didn't want me to know. But now I do and I want to be part of this Mafia. I want to take revenge for my parents and I would appreciate it if my training could start right now",I say confidently. After what I found out yesterday,Xavier will pay for what he has done to my parents and to Selina.

Damon looks shock,he quickly composes himself and says,"Very well Sophia,we will take revenge,your training will start now if you are ready as you said and i would be training you personally",he states. I nod.

"Matteo",Damon shouts. "Yes King",Matteo walks in. "Take her to our personal training base and get her ready,I'll be there to train her myself",he orders Matteo.

We walk downstairs and into the basement,we stand by a plain walk and Matteo places his hand on the wall and a elevator door appears. We go inside.

"May I ask you something,Matteo?",I ask hesitately. "Sure",he says cheerfully. "Why were you so shocked when he said "personal training base?",I ask. "King,never let's anyone,other than Mason,Dante,King and me enter his personal base",it's weird because he he never let's any girl,enter his room,house,office,personal training base and especially to wear his clothes. You seem special to him",he says. "What about his girlfriend or something like that?",I ask. Mentioning girlfriend makes me feel jealous and annoyed,I don't know why because we are not even that close.

"He doesn't believe in love,after seeing what happened to his parents,he refuses to let himself fall in love,if he is with a girl,he sleeps with her and that's all,obviously taking in a consent",he states. "I see",is all I manage to say when the elevator door opens and we enter into his personal training base.

I enter the ring and Damon enters with shorts and shirtless. Our skills seem to be matched,I landed a few punches but he was probably taking it easy on me. He punched me way more but majority I dodged. His good though. After some time we stopped taking it easy on each other and went for the kill but to my surprise,our fighting skills are exactly the same.At the end if it,"well done,Roberto taught you well",he states,wiping the sweat of his forehead.

Hearing my father's name,makes my heart drop. I nod and ready to walk away when he says,"Sophia,we will take revenge for our losses and become more powerful than we are now,together. In that moment is when I noticed that the most powerful man in this world,does have emotions to show even though he seems scared to express it.

He can show emotions but is he able to understand why? Thoughts?

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