Chapter 22- Hurt

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Sophia POV

After waking up,the first person I see,is Damon. I confess my feelings for him. The happiness on his face is everything for me. Mason walks in. "Sophia,you awake,how are you feeling?",he asks with concern.

"It hurts but I'm fine",I say with a small smile. "Did you find out anything about them?", I ask with a little sadness. "No,but I will",Damon says sternly but comforting. "We have working on it since you were admitted so we should get something",Mason says reassuring me.

1 week later

Damon walks in. "We can go home now",Damon says with happiness. I'm almost healed. It hurts a bit but I want to get out of this hospital and sleep in Damon's arms again,granted he stays here every night and Mason is here when Damon is not but I still miss him and the comfort of sleeping in his arms in our bed.

We reach home and Damon helps me in bed. "So we found out that,they work for Xavier",Damon says coldly. "What?!",I say shocked and angry. "When you got shot we managed to put 2 of our men in undercover. Xavier is recruiting,because people are leaving or getting killed by Xavier himself in the Mafia,so we used that as our advantage and placed 2 men there",Damon says with a smirk.

They told me,that your parents are his close assassins. We don't have any details about how they survived but we will get there eventually. If our men go around asking questions,we will get caught so we need a lot of time for this to work", Damon explains.

"Does Ella know about them?,I ask concerned. She came to the hospital but she never mentioned anything. "No,I said we went on a mission and due to my carelessness you got shot by one of Xavier's men but we killed him",Damon explains with guilt. "Damon,it isn't your fault,don't blame yourself. I let my guard down resulting to this",I say putting my hand on his. He kisses my hand.

"Can you call Ella in?",I ask with the need to tell her. "Sure,Natasha knows though,dad told her",I sigh but nod. Damon kisses my forehead before leaving to get Ella. After a few minutes, Ella comes in.

"Sop,how you feeling?",she asks as she comes to sit by me. "Fine,and you?",I ask worried. "You know,amazing  living with the Mafia King isn't that bad",she says with a big smile. This child and her adventurous spirit.

"El,there's something I need to tell you",I say calmly. "Sure",she says. I tell her what happened and about our parents and about I actually got my wound.After I tell her she breaks down and hugs me. "Why would they do that?",she asks while crying. "Why would they hurt you",she breaksdown."I don't know,El,but we will find out",I try to assure her. With her crying and me trying to reassure her,we eventually fall asleep with the thought of,why would they do this to us?

That is the golden question though,why did they do this? Any thoughts on why? Kinda a short chapter buy its chapter.

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