Xander Imagine - Lost

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"At least we're lost together!"

"Shut your mouth, Harris," I snap, "This is all your fault."

"I know," Xander dips his head, "I'm sorry."

He's lucky I can't stay mad at him. We planned to go on an adventurous hike to try something new, but Xander can't read a map. That's something I could have benefited from knowing sooner. 

I let out an exasperated sigh for the millionth time, just wishing someone could come and save us. But no: our phones are dead and I'm not even sure which direction Sunnydale is in. 

"I really am sorry," Xander repeats, flashing puppy dog eyes at me. A small smile tugs on my lips, so I turn my face away from him. I'm supposed to be angry.

But how can I be, really? Stranded in a forest all alone with my crush? Kind of romantic, kind of terrifying. 

"I just hope we make it out of here alive," I say pessimistically.

"Come on, we've faced worse," he looks up worriedly at the darkening sky, "Although, it is getting pretty dark..."

I smack him in the chest.



"What was that for?"

"Stop acting scared, it's making me scared!"

"But I am scared!"

"So am I!"

A silence descends before we both let out loud, undignified snorts of laughter. 

Great. The delirium has already started to kick in. 

As I'm gasping for air, a flicker of light catches my attention from up ahead. 

"Look!" I shout, pointing, "Civilisation!"

Xander cheers and speed-walks off, muttering about how hungry he is. I smile to myself as I catch up to him. I grab his arm.

"Slow down, doofus." I say with a smile. I link my arm through his so we can't get separated. I glance at Xander and if I'm not mistaken, he's blushing a light pink. I hope it's the contact, but maybe he's just unfit. Ha. I look down at my worn trainers as I crunch over leaves and snap countless twigs. The forest really is beautiful - but it's better with a full stomach and, you know, sunlight. 

We soon emerge out into a clearing, where a shabby diner sits all alone. 

"I'm starving," Xander complains, dragging me to the entrance. We're met with a lovely wave of heat which makes my shoulders relax and cheeks flush. 

The booth we sit in is visibly old - or maybe, well-loved - with its faded colour and squishiness. Luckily, the table glistens, recently cleaned, just waiting to be filled with milkshakes and junk food. I pluck a sticky menu from its holder and read aloud the shake options, "Berry Blast, Chocoholic's Dream or Bananarama?" 

"Whatever you want, I'll share," Xander shrugs, consulting his own menu. A vision of us sucking up milkshake from two straws in one glass makes a warm smile spread across my lips. Maybe I'll get nachos? When I look up from my menu, Xander is gazing at me with a slight smirk.



I raise an eyebrow. "I'm gonna get nachos." 

"Good choice," he nods, "I'm going for the..." he pauses, "Supreme Beefy King." 

I can't help snorting, but stifle it when I hear a server's footsteps approaching.

"What can I get ya?" A kind, raspy voice asks.

Xander and I look up in unison and let out almost identical shrieks of terror.

I stumble out of my seat while Xander uselessly cries "Demon! Demon!" 

I'm fully ready to bolt out the door but Xander just frets awkwardly, giving the demon enough time to sigh and say, "God, you humans are always the same. I'm not gonna hurt you!" We both go silent and I can only hear my pulse thrumming in my ears.

"Do you think I have a diner in the middle of nowhere for fun? We usually only get demon customers, sorry," with a shake of his head, he transforms into a human man, "Shudda put on this," he mutters, "I didn't mean to scare ya. Sorry about that. What... what can I get ya?" he tries again with a sheepish smile.

I awkwardly smile back and slip into the booth, next to Xander this time. "Bananarama and nachos, please."

Xander gulps before requesting his burger quietly. Once the demon has nodded politely and retreated back to the kitchen, Xander and I sit staring straight ahead. Our breathing has returned to normal, but the adrenaline rush leaves us both shaky. 

"Wow," Xander whispers, "I feel stupid."

"You and me both. That was embarrassing."

"At least we get food, now." Xander says, nudging my elbow. I sigh loudly and rest my head on his shoulder. 

"I'm so tired," I mumble and I feel him wrap an arm around me. Instinctively I want to tense and overanalyse the whole thing, but instead, I take a deep breath. 

"I saw a phonebooth outside. We'll call Giles to pick us up."

I made a satisfied humming sound, "That would be great."

When the food comes, you'd think Xander hadn't eaten a meal in years. I watch him wolf it down with a smirk. "Should I leave you two alone?" I ask, eyes darting from the burger to Xander's beady, hungry eyes.

He laughs awkwardly, slowly lowering the burger. "Sorry," he says after swallowing.

"It's fine," I smile. I look at the untouched milkshake in the centre of the table, too nervous to drink. Two straws are stuck firmly within the cream and thick shake - this is mortifying. As if he can read my mind, Xander reaches out and positions it between us.

I passively watch him take a sip. 

"Not to be dramatic but this is the best thing I've ever put in my mouth."

I bite back a smile and curse my dirty mind before taking a sip. "Wow. Yum."

"I know right? Party on my taste buds and everyone's invited!" 

We simultaneous take a sip together and our eyes meet. My stomach backflips when Xander blushes - again - and all I can think of is kissing him.

But I don't have to. Because he's the one leaning closer, the one moving his hand to rest over mine. His eyes are the ones searching for permission to do what we both want to. 

He kisses me and warmth spreads in my chest, all the way down to my toes. It's short, sweet - innocent - and we're both blushing furiously when we pull away. 

Xander lets out a slow, self-conscious laugh while looking away bashfully. He couldn't be more adorable if he tried. 

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