Spike Imagine - Jealousy

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Gonna use a name for this one instead of Y/N cus why not...  Amber (Cheekbones, anyone??😉)

Amber has never heard a bad band at The Bronze. Despite the countless times she's been here, the music's always solid which makes dancing almost mandatory. Amber beams at Buffy - who is dancing up close and personal with Faith - and tries to copy her stylish movements. She jumps and twirls in time with the rhythm and even Willow has joined in. The girls erupt in giggles every so often, and Amber's heart has never felt fuller.

Giddy with slight dehydration, she orders a water at the bar and chugs it messily. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she weaves her way through the crowd to Spike and Xander. They're observing the dancers in silence, each with a beer in hand and a borderline grumpy expression on their face. 

"Anyone wanna dance?" She smiles, wiggling her eyebrows. She outstretches a hand towards the frowning vampire and he shakes his head.

"No chance," he grumbles, leaning back in his seat. Amber expected no less but... still rude. 

"Xander?" she asks, flashing him a toothy grin, "I know you want to..."

"Fine," he relents with a smile, taking her hand and he lets himself be led to the dance floor. 

Once on the dance floor, Xander loosens his shoulders a little and sighs.

"You good, Xan-Man?" Amber asks genuinely.

"Yeah, just Spike. Kinda bringing down the whole vibe with his brooding."

Amber shrugs and makes a pfff  sound, taking Xander's hands in hers.

"Oh, I love this song!" she beams, just as Bohemian Like You starts playing. The guitarists and drummer are clear and perfect, sending vibrations through the floor. Amber considers that they may even be better than Dingoes Ate My Baby. 

"Cus' I like you, yeah, I like you..." Amber and Xander sing to nobody in particular as more people flood to the floor. They dance badly, but they don't care because it's so fun. Lights flash, feet stumble and Amber searches the crowd for Buffy. Somehow, Faith, Willow and Buffy have drifted to the other side of the room and...

She catches Spike's eye - his face is neutral, however, there's venom in his eyes. She offers him a friendly finger wave and even from here, she sees a muscle in his jaw twitch.

Wow, okay.

She wanted him to dance with her, he said no. That's on him. Even if she really hoped he'd say yes. 

Virgin State of Mind is the next song to fill The Bronze's exciting yet sweaty atmosphere. Undoubtedly a little more sexy, Amber adapts her style to fit the lyrics - more swaying hips, more hands on Xander's shoulders. He's grinning, matching her energy.

At one point, Xander initiates the cheesy move of spinning her around and dipping her low, like in all the movies. Amber squeals, thinking she's going to fall before Xander returns her to stability. She playfully whacks his shoulder, cheeks flushed pink and hair a very probable mess. 

Over Xander's shoulder, she catches Spike's eye again. He's gripping his beer bottle like a lifeline, knuckles white and he looks even more agitated than before. Xander's asking her something but over the music she can't hear.


He leans down and brushes her hair away from her ear, "I said, do you want to get something to eat? I think the Double Meat Palace is still open. I bet Will will be up for it too."

Amber nods. She'll just get fries. "Sure!" she shouts.

When she looks back up, the vampire is gone. 

  - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - -

They agreed to split up so Xander could locate Willow and Amber could nip to the toilet. When she returns, wiping her damp hands on her soft skirt, they're nowhere to be found.

"Shoot," she whispers, scanning the crowd again to no avail. They're probably outside, waiting for her. She steps out into the freezing night and shivers - why didn't she bring a coat? As if on cue, she spies a very familiar coat, one as black as the midnight sky. 

"Hey Spike, have you seen Xander and Willow?" she asks as she approaches. Spike draws his eyes away from his lit cigarette and with a curl of his lip snaps:

"Why the bloody hell would I have?"

"Wow," she frowns, "What's up with you?" 

Spike frowns right back, dropping the cig and stamping on it forcefully. He opens his mouth but bites back whatever he was about to say. After a few seconds, he settles on, "I didn't know you and Xander were a thing." He sneers the word 'Xander' as if it physically pains him to utter.

Amber lets out a laugh and she can see Spike's lip twitch upwards at the sight. "Hell no! Are you crazy? Drunk? Stoned? Can vampires get stoned?" she questions.

Spike clenches his jaw again and shrugs.

"Why are you asking?" she raises an accusatory eyebrow but Spike only stares at her. 

After a painfully long moment he says, "You could do better." before turning on his heel and stalking away.

Amber stands there in dumbfounded silence. 

"HEY!" she shouts. The vampire stops in his tracks. He spins around, eyebrows plastered to his forehead in mock shock, watching Amber stomp towards him.

She prods him in the chest with a pointy nail, "I'll ask again. What  is up with you?"

When she's met with silence and an expressionless glare, she threatens, "I'll punch you."

Spike laughs then, heartily. The arrogance in it makes her fists clench and before she knows what she's doing, her fist is flying towards Spike's face. He catches her hand with ease and something like menacing glee flashes in his cold eyes. He swiftly twists her arm while pushing her left shoulder. 

With a thud, her back hits the brick wall of The Bronze. "Do you really want to know, sunshine?" 

"Sunshine. That's a new one." she comments, unfazed. 

Spike makes a sound halfway between a growl and a sigh. "Xander. Harris."

"Oh my gosh. Are you jealous?" 

"Amber -"

"I asked you to dance first! And you were a dick about it."

"Look -"

"You don't get to be mad, Spike! It's not my fault that -"

Her rant is cut short by Spike's lips crashing into hers. He pulls away and almost shouts, "Will you please shut up now? Okay. Yes. I was a dick. But dancing with him of all people, when you know I could -"

Amber incites payback, kissing Spike to trap his confession within their lips. Like a secret that's theirs.

He kisses back immediately, pressing his body flush against hers. Amber rests one hand on his cheek, the other's tangled up in his hair, pulling gently. 


"Shit." Spike and Amber pull away at the exact same time to curse.

With dread gripping her by the throat, she slowly turns to see Xander and Willow with their mouths hanging open dumbly - just like that time they saw Giles singing in that coffee shop. Except... this time, it's panic rather than surprise that consumes her. 

"Urm, I'm coming," is the only thing she can think to say. She takes a step towards them, thinks again and turns back to Spike. She kisses him deeply and quickly. "Okay, ready." she smiles, walking over to her friends. "Come on, then." They exchange a somewhat terrified glance before following her down the street.

Amber turns back once, giving Spike a finger wave, paired with a smirk. 

thanks 4 reading! remember to vote/comment/follow :)

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