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You wake up and the first thing you saw was Ace he was sleeping as you shake him to wake him up he look at you and hug you as he cry in your shoulder you look at him shocked

"Wah! are you ok?" you asked him a bit confused as he look at you with tears in his eyes "Why did you hurt your self!?" Ace asked you as you smile "I dont know" you answered you as he look at you as you chuckled "don't worry about me, I can heal my self anyway" you say as Ace wipe his tears away as you try to stand up you realize that something was wrong you took off the blanket as your eyes wend wide open as you realize that one of your leg was missing

"Where my leg?" you asked as you point at your leg as Ace look at you with sadness in his eyes "Marco say it was infected and have to be removed" Ace explain to you as you nod your head "What about Boa?" you asked him as Ace sit still "Ace are you ok?" you asked him as he sit still did you say something wrong you thought

"Don't even say her name" Ace say as he look at you as he shake you "Why do you care so much for her!?, Don't you understand she's obsessed!" Ace say as he shake you as you took it "Ace, come on no need to be like that" you say as Ace look at you with a worried look "I wouldn't let you go anymore" he say as you look at him with a questioning look "But I want to meet Luffy" you say as Ace gaze land on you

"Why?" he asked as he look down you look at him a bit worried with the way he was acting " (__)...." he say your name as you listen patiently "I love you" he say as you blush "But-" before you could finish your word Ace put his hand on your mouth preventing you from talking

"Shut it..." he say his eyes were shining bring as you look at him with worried eyes "You abandoned me, and I won't let you go anywhere" Ace say as he put his hand away as you took a breath "Ace, why are you acting like this, if you do that again I'll leave now" you threatened him as he glare at you

"I knew, you would have said that" Ace say as he slowly stand up as he put his hand on your leg as his hand stared to burn you were about to shout at him but he shoved a cloth in your mouth "I knew your one weakness" Ace say as his hand started to burn you could feel everything

tears started to spill out your eyes as you struggled your leg was burning apart blood started to spill to the area which was near your leg start to turn red from your blood being soaked "If I close your mouth you can not used your, devil fruit" Ace say as he put his hand away and still feel the pain you didn't want to look down as you knew that your leg was almost not attached to you

"Mhhmh!" you try to scream but the cloth in your mouth was preventing you from screaming "Should I cut off your tongue to?" ace asked as you cry as you shaked your head No

"Ace what are you doing!?" Marco scream "Come on in Marco!" Ace say as Marco open the door to see you crying for help and Ace covering your mouth "What are you doing?" Marco asked calmly as he look at Ace

"Lock the door, and help me out" Ace told him as Marci did as he say as you look at him not believing what he just did

When Marco walk a bit close he realizes that your other leg was almost unattached to you as the only thing holding it together was some nerve and skin part "Let's cut off her leg fully, and cut of her tongue" Ace say as you look at him shocked "Then hold her tight" Marco say

Marco have no idea why he was helping Ace with a murder or something if Ace try to kill you he would kill Ace as that was his first thought he was only Helping Ace because if you have no leg then how could you run away after he kill Ace he would pick you up and fly away like nothing have happened

Marco took some sharp knife that was on the shelf as his gaze land on you. You were crying yet you still look so beautiful Marco hold your thigh as he cut off the nerves and skin that was attached to you as you look up crying

As Ace was trying to comfort you and told you to stop crying "Let's cut of her tongue and she will be ours" Ace say as he look at Marco who was staring at the knife he was holding if he wanted to he could easily kill Ace right there and took you but something inside of him was stopping him from doing that

Ace pull out the cloth that was on your mouth as you breath as he pull out your tounge "Just don't struggle and it would be ok" Ace say as you keep on struggling as he harshly held you to stop you from moving to much "Didn't I told you to stop moving" Ace say as he glare at you

as he let go of your tongue "Black dream!" you shout as his eyes went wide from shocked as he was push by force as you grow a black wings as you fly off break the side of the ship Ace look at Marco as Marco turn into a Phoenix and Ace rid him

you weren't flying that fast as you were loosing blood from your other missing leg Marco quickly catch up to you " (__) come with us and we won't hurt you" Ace shouted as you almost fall to the sea you weren't flying in a straight line as I have already say you were loosing to much blood

as Ace shot one fire at you catching your wings on fire as the wing was apart of you. You could feel all the pain you cough out blood you fly fast with all your energy "Dark dream!" you shouted at them as the place around you were fill with black Fog as Marco and Ace got drag by an invisible force as they were thrown away by great force

you keep on flying but you couldn't handle it anymore as you see a ship on the sea you didn't care if they were marine or pirates all you want right now was to rest as you were super tired

"Luffy! look there is someone up there!" Nami say as he points at the sky Luffy look up to see a figure as something drip from their leg an into the water

"I think it's bleeding!" Usop say as he point at the sea which was kind of cover by red trail "Wah! it's falling!" Chopper say as the figure was falling fast as Luffy stretches his arm and catch the figure as Robin look at it amazed

it was a person "Its a girl!" Usop say as he scream "Chopper tends her wound quickly!" Sanji say as he roll over the girl to check if she was still alive as he put his head on her chest "She's still alive!" Sanji say

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