Chapter 20

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Liana's fingers drummed against her thighs nervously. Maybe leaving Conner's cabin hadn't been a great idea, but she couldn't spend her whole life cooped up in there. She had to be brave sometime.

Brave? Yeah, right. Liana sighed to herself. 

She hadn't been brave when a gunman attacked that rally months ago. She hadn't been brave when wolves encircled her on the road. Why did she think that she could be brave now, in the middle of a town she didn't know, where she understood that all the men could become a wolf at any time?

The longer she thought about it, the scarier this world became for Liana. As evidenced by the attack on the bonfire, Liana had no means of protecting herself.

"You seem lost," a soft, pleasant voice nearby pointed out.

Liana, still jittery from the effect of her own thoughts, startled at the sudden noise. After the events of the previous evening, Liana couldn't find her own ability to remain at peace. Thankfully, though she had jumped at the noise, she recognized the voice. Maren had been the nicest to her during the preparations.

"I'm not really lost," Liana offered. "Just... don't know where to go."

Maren gave her a soft smile. "You've had a rough time since you arrived. Would you like some company?"

Maren had a mate, and Liana had seen how mated wolves treated their spouses. Pairing up with someone who had protection seemed like the best option.

"That would be nice," Liana agreed.

Maren held out a hand as though enticing a child to go along with her. "I'm off to do some shopping for a late dinner. You don't mind going with me, do you?"

"Not at all." Liana, desperate for a companion to ease her growing fears, took Maren's hand like a lifeline. "I didn't realize there was that much to do here."

"We have most things any other town would have." Maren tugged Liana along beside her, explaining as she walked. "You'll find that living on the reservation is much like living in a small town. There's a mercantile, a gas station. Even some small boutiques and a library. Think of it as a vacation from big city life."

"Quite an adventurous vacation," Liana muttered, her brain reliving all that had happened since she arrived.

The kiss from earlier in the morning stuck like glue and replayed on loop. Liana shook her head in an attempt to toss it aside. She shouldn't have liked it so much. She shouldn't want more. But she did. Maybe Maren had been right all along. Maybe Liana had set her estimations too low.

"Whatever is on your mind, you can talk to me about it." Maren gave Liana's hand a squeeze. "I've been through it before, you know. Everything you're thinking and feeling."

"Everything?" Liana gave a huff of disapproval. "Even a whole pack of wolves cornering you against a tree and preparing to attack?"

"Well, not that." Maren laughed softly. "But I do hope you know that Conner never meant to leave you alone like that."

Liana thought back on everything Conner had said and done since her arrival. He had never done anything to hurt her. He had even gone out of his way to keep her safe. Then she had locked herself in the bathroom for the better part of... well... all day. The sun had begun to set again now, but Liana couldn't imagine getting through another night stuffed in a parka. She and Conner needed to figure out how they were going to get through this.

Maren stopped and took two steps back, until she stood perfectly in line with Liana. "Since you won't say anything on your mind, allow me to ask some questions."

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