Chapter 36

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Liana hadn't factored in the possibility of visitors at their cabin, but that's exactly what she and Conner pulled up to see. Konan sat sideways, his legs blocking their front door. Kat—bless her tiny heart—was skipping across the yard in some sort of game. They couldn't be avoided, and judging by the compassionate look that overtook Conner's face, he didn't want to avoid them anyway.

"We'll get your luggage later," Conner announced softly.

Liana nodded and smiled, because he seemed like he needed a smile. She wasn't sure what had happened while she had been a prisoner, but Konan had been there too. Everything must interconnect, and if that was the case then Conner needed her to stay positive.

Conner stepped out of the truck and reached back in for Liana before she could even make a move to get out the other way. He set her feet softly on the ground.

"Alpha Conner!" Kat came running, her mass of hair flying loose around her shoulders. "You brought back your mate!"

Liana bent to greet the little girl with a giant hug. Kat didn't disappoint, running into Liana's arms like she had anticipated it all along. What a precious little girl.

Conner gave Kat's head a pat, but his feet were already headed toward the cabin door. Toward Konan.

At this point, Liana knew better than to interrupt two wolves with such stern expressions on their faces.

Konan scrambled up from his seated position, his eyes finding the ground at his feet and focusing there. "Alpha Conner, I'm sorry. I didn't know... I couldn't... I wanted to tell... but I couldn't."

"You couldn't have known Hilda's plan, since she used an ancient spell on you." Conner shook his head, but even Liana reacted to the disappointment in his tone.

Liana let Kat run off, just so she could make her way to Conner's side. "Konan tried his best to help me while I was at the cabin," Liana told her mate. "He never wanted to do what he was being forced to do."

Conner looked down into Liana's face, his eyes finding every nuance in her features before he turned back to Konan. "Thank you for keeping her safe."

Konan glanced up, more relieved than surprised. "Of course. It's what I should do. She's the Alpha's Mate. How could I hurt her?"

"I won't apologize for what I did to save my mate." Conner paused, and Liana could feel him thinking. Calculating. "But I am sorry that this destroyed your family."

"If I had known how insane Hilda was, we could have avoided all of this." Konan sighed, his eyes straying to the girl dancing around the yard. "But at least I have Kat. She and I will get through it together."

"Let Conner and I know if there's anything we can do to help," Liana piped up.

The shocked looks that turned her way were enough to bring a laugh to her lips. Neither man was used to such kind words, she was sure. But both would be hearing many more kind words in the future. Liana meant to make a difference on the res. She would start with the wolves around her.

Conner rested a hand against the back of Liana's head, his fingers giving a soft squeeze of encouragement. "Since my mate said it, I'll stand by it."

"Thank you, Alpha Conner." A semi-smile finally broke across Konan's face. "Kat and I will head home now. I'll make sure no one interrupts your evening."

Liana blinked, sensing a silent meaning behind what was said. But, then, she had her own plans as well. She doubted they varied much from Conner's. They had been too long separated. It had only made their determination more resolute.

Konan gathered his daughter and started down the road.

Conner took Liana's hand in his, lifted it, and kissed her knuckles. "I'll make you something to eat."

"How do you know I haven't eaten already?"

"If you were as eager as I was to leave your parents' home, you wouldn't have bothered."

Liana laughed. Conner was right. She had turned down breakfast because her excitement made her appetite flee. Now, she regretted it. She should have eaten when her mother gave her the chance.

"Let's see what's left in the fridge." Conner headed inside, tugging Liana behind him.

The door closed with a thud.

For a moment, Liana hesitated. The sound of cracking wood and the familiar environment of Conner's cabin brought with it the reminder of the day she had been taken. For a moment, only fear filled Liana's mind.

She brushed it off, but it was too late. Conner had already turned to face her.

"What's wrong?"

Liana shook her head. "I'm fine. Feed me."

Though Conner's brow knit in consternation, he didn't ask any more questions.

Liana was grateful that he gave her the time to readjust to the cabin. It had held so many memories, good and bad. It would undoubtedly hold a whole host more. So she had to overcome the trauma and move on. She was strong enough to do that.

Yet, it still unnerved her twenty minutes later, after Conner fed her a beef sandwich and a Caesar salad.

Conner knew it, too. "Will you tell me now? What happened when we came inside?"

It would dampen the mood, to tell him, but it wasn't as if he hadn't felt her fear. Liana was aware that they had been growing their bond over the last months. She could feel Conner's emotions. How much more could he feel hers?

Liana raised her eyes to the back door, staring over Conner's shoulder instead of looking directly at him. "This is where they barged in."

The pain on Conner's face mirrored that in Liana's memory. "It won't happen again."

"But it happened before." Liana sighed, letting her eyes drop to her fingers in her lap. "I just had a moment where I remembered. Where all of it came back to haunt me."

Conner's chair squealed against the floor, then his feet padded closer. Warm fingers cupped Liana's cheeks and turned her face upward, toward Conner. "In time, I'll erase every haunting memory."

"You can do that?" Liana asked, both joking and serious.

Conner stroked a thumb under her eye. "I can try."

His lips descended to hers in a kiss so tender and slow that Liana melted.

Conner pulled back with a chuckle. "Is it working?"

"Working," Liana confirmed, her head tilting to follow his lips.

Conner pressed another soft kiss to her lips, then another. Until he had fully explored each inch of them with his own.

A breath, inhaled through his nose, was as shaky as Liana's own respirations.


Liana managed to pry her eyes open, just to see that Conner's own eyes flashed golden in return.

Conner threaded his fingers into her hair. "I don't think I can wait anymore."

"Then don't."

 Liana wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down for another kiss. This time, she had no intentions of stopping.  

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