Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: First night

The next day, the moment Jonas arrived at his seat in their classroom, he instantly slumped and groaned with his face kissing the table.

" Are you alright? "

Jonas turned his head a little and peered at Luke who frowning at him.

" No. "

Jonas replied. At his answer, a genuine expression of concern was on Luke's face which Jonas find a little surprising.

" Are you sick? Do you want me to escort you to the clinic? "

The other lackeys are now also starting at Jonas along with his other curious classmates. Luke then brought his hand to Jonas's forehead and frowned when Jonas's wasn't burning up. His temperature is a little cold which startled him a little. Another strange to note in his mind since Jonas's kidnapping.

" You don't have a fever... But your body is a little cold. Do you want to have a cup of warm chocolate to warm your body a little bit? "

Jonas stopped leaning on the table and straighten his posture from his seat.

" I'm fine. I don't need a warm cup of chocolate. "

He answered while feeling his body temperature and frowned. Luke was right that his body was indeed cold.

[ The body temperature is 35.9°c (96.62 F). A normal human body temperature range between 36.1°c (97 F) to 37.2°c (99 F). ]

Maybe, he should start wearing gloves to avoid inconvenience.

" I was just a little bit tired since I haven't slept early. "

Jonas told Luke as he fixed his scarf carefully.

" I see. "

Eventually, the history teacher arrived and their classes started. Today, they have a test and Jonas didn't review anything.

Despite the level of education that Jonas has in his past life, it wouldn't help him pass the test. But thankfully his skill archive which was blessed to him by his Eye Fear God can. Every time that Jonas goes to the library, use the computer or the teachers started teaching lessons that Jonas deemed as useful, he would use his skill Archive to store the information or knowledge permanently in his mind.

Later, he, Damian, and their classmate Bethany were called by their History Subject Teacher. They were then congratulated for having perfect scores on the exam. Bethany was one of Rosalie's friends and the last group member of their group in the Science Subject project.

The girl appeared happy and embarrassed when their History Teacher complimented her and along with her friends.

When recess break came, Jonas choose to head toward the library and opted to not eat. It wasn't like he still need human food anyway. He then took a seat in a secluded part of the library then spent his time alone and away from Luke and the others.

He then started writing on his notes and thinking of what happened in the Iceberg Lounge the previous night. No super interesting thing happened in the Iceberg Lounge like a vigilante coming into the establishment and attacking Penguin or the other Gotham villains that were there. Nonetheless, it was still an eventful and interesting evening.

Jonas was glad that he was assigned as a waiter in the Iceberg Lounge's restaurant and not in its Nightclub or Casino.

There was a ruckus that happened at the Casino Yesterday. The Gotham Rogue Egghead had won a bet against the Penguin the owner of the Ice Lounge and the other Gotham Rogues, Ventriloquist and Scarface, Nocturna, and White Rabbit.

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